Page 5 - file:///Users/danieljankowski/Documents/FlipBuilder/mobile/index.html#p=24
P. 5
• Lowercase state of, city of, town of, etc.
The city of Cocoa and the Brevard County School Board
reached agreement on the land acquisition.
• Capitalize legislature when it is preceded by the name of a state, or when the state name is dropped but the reference is speci cally to that state’s legislature.
The Florida Legislature passed several laws concerning public education.
The Legislature is expected to pass stiffer graduation requirements for Florida schools.
• Lowercase legislature for all plural references and when used generically.
The Florida and Georgia legislatures passed similar bills. No legislature has rati ed the amendment.
• Capitalize formal titles when they are used immediately before an individual’s name.
Deputy Superintendent Dr. Mark Mullins
School Board Member Andy Ziegler
• Lowercase titles when they are used after an individual’s name.
Dr. Mark Mullins, deputy superintendent Andy Ziegler, school board member
• When referring to assistant superintendents, the following style should be used:
Assistant Superintendent Jane Cline
• Lowercase occupational descriptions, even when used immediately before a name.
social studies teacher Kimberly Garten
• Lowercase and spell out titles when they are not used with an individual’s name.
The superintendent met with the cabinet members.
The assistant superintendent for Facility Services will address the committee.
Academic degrees
• Lowercase and use an apostrophe for bachelor’s degree, specialist’s degree, master’s in psychology, etc.
• Use abbreviations such as B.A., B.S., M.A., M.S., M.Ed., Ph.D., Ed.D. with a person’s name.
Dr. Patricia Fontan or Patricia Fontan, Ed.D.
Desmond K. Blackburn, Ph.D. or Dr. Desmond K. Blackburn
– use Dr. or Ed.D., but not both. Similarly, use Dr. or Ph.D., but not both.
• Capitalize committee when part of a formal name.
Capital Outlay Committee members are selected from the Brevard business community and can include members of the Brevard Schools Foundation.
• Generic committee names should not be capitalized. The principal will appoint an advisory committee.
• Lowercase academic department names, except for words that are proper names. Capitalize all other department names.
• Abbreviate the following legislative titles when they are used as formal titles before one or more names: Rep., Reps., Sen., Sens., Gov., Govs.
Sen. Marco Rubio met with the school board. I met with Sens. McCain and Kerry yesterday.
• If necessary, add U.S. or state before a title to avoid confusion.
U. S. Sen. Marco Rubio spoke with state Rep. Thad Altman about educational funding.
• Capitalize proper names of nationalities and races.
the history department the English department
Nationalities and races
Of ce of Government and Community Relations
Human Resources Services
American African Hispanic Oriental
Afro-American Jewish Caucasian Eskimo
• Lowercase white, black, etc.