Page 17 - Heart of Brevard/Parent Resource Guide Summer Issue 2020
P. 17

Enhanced Cleaning Protocols
Custodial staff will will increase the amount of of of cleaning cleaning and and disinfecting disinfecting of of of buildings focusing on high fre- quency quency touch surfaces Increased frequency of of of of cleaning cleaning and and and and disinfecting disinfecting will will help help remove germ load (i e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e bacteria and and and viruses including the the Novel Coronavirus) and and and help help prevent the the spread of of of contagion Below are some examples of high touch surfaces:
Covid-19 Response
Doorknobs/handles/ push bars
Faucets/sinks Stair rails Lockers Desks/chairs
Computer keyboard/ mouse (shared)
Light switches Phones (shared)
Counter tops Water fountains
Cafeteria tables/chairs
Elevator buttons
Dispensers-soap sanitizer paper towel etc When cleaning and disinfecting BPS custodial staff will use use an an an an EPA List N recognized emerging pathogen disinfectant approved for use use against Coronavirus Additional Safety Measures Implemented
• Desks will will face the same direction and tables will will will be placed in a a a a a a a a a configuration so students will will not not face one another
• Hallway traffic patterns will be modified to to minimize face-to-face interaction
• Plexi-glass barriers are are in in place (where appropriate) in in offices and reception areas
• School schedules have been modified to minimize congregation in in communal areas
• Water fountains
will only be used for the filling of water bottles or cups
• Hand sanitizer face coverings and and additional cleaning products are on-site at each school • Bus drivers cafeteria workers and custodians will be trained in in in cleaning procedures and new protocols on increased frequency of cleaning • HVAC filter changes are in process and cycles have been modified to increase air circulation
• Transportation routes have been adjusted to limit the number of riders per seat
• Hand sanitization stations and face coverings are re- quired for bus riders • Clinic spaces have been adjusted to allow space space for separation of students • Addition of a a a a custodial strike team to to augment deep cleaning in in schools with possible exposure
• Touchless thermometers are available for each school and district site • Face shields are provided to to every teacher in in addition to to coverings • Misting fogger for every school and district site for deep cleaning 17

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