Page 17 - Demo
P. 17
Title: PBIS Classroom Coaching (for PBIS implementers)
Description: PBIS Classroom Coaching is designed to build the capacity of school-based personnel to effectively use the 4-step problem solving process to implement effective classroom management strategies. By developing school-based “coaches” to use classroom data to identify problem, conduct assessment on why problems are occurring, collaboratively implement effective, evidence-based interventions and monitor progress, teachers will be able to implement classroom-based PBIS more effectively.
For further information, go to:
Target Audience: Pre-K through 12
Cost: Free
Training Required: PBIS Classroom Coaching is a one-day team training with five one-hour online sessions every 4-6 weeks. Ongoing training and technical assistance is provided.
Time Required for Implementation: Following the training, a coach will need to work with selected classroom teacher between 2-3 hours per a week during the school day. This includes the coach observing the classroom teacher, providing feedback to the classroom teacher and the teacher and coach developing and implementing an action plan.
District Support: Student Services - Program Support