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Brevard Public Schools
Social, Emotional, Behavior and Mental Health Resource Catalog
Strategic Plan Objective L4: Provide Equitable Support for Every Student’s Socio-Emotional Development
Brevard Public Schools will build educator capacity and district infrastructure to support every student’s social-emotional development through professional development, new program development, provision of new curriculum and instructional resources, and human capital. Social/Emotional Learning is defined as: “the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.” by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
Federal Legislation on Social/Emotional Learning: Title IV of the Every Student Succeeds Act, specifically recommends for “activities to support safe and healthy students.” These include fostering “safe, healthy, supportive, and drug free environments that support student academic achievement,” helping to prevent bullying and harassment, improving “instructional practices for developing relationship-building skills, such as effective communication,” providing “mentoring and school counseling to all students,” and “implementation of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports.”
Primary Components of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Social, Emotional, Behavior and Mental Health Services:
1. Recognition that behavioral skills are learned and must be taught.
2. Have school-based problem-solving teams with well-defined roles.
3. Consistent application of a four-step problem-solving process.
4. Use of evidence-based programs and practice.
5. Evaluation includes effectiveness of interventions and fidelity of implementation.
6. Effective coaching and team facilitation.
7. Professional development is aligned with expected responsibilities of trainees.
8. Established written practices, policies, and implementation plans.
Supporting Document: Implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports for Behavior: Recommended Practices for School and District Leaders.

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