Page 3 - Demo
P. 3
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Mission statements are clear and purposeful.
Leadership is committed.
School-based problem-solving team coordinates
implementation of evidence-based behavioral
Established process for consensus building.
Data-based decision-making/monitoring system
through the four step-step problem-solving process is
used continuously.
Procedures are established for teaching expected
Districts and schools have an established
coaching/facilitation model.
Monitoring and evaluation effort are ongoing, linked
to professional development needs, and disseminated to stakeholders.
Tier 1 is implemented with fidelity
Multiple methods are used to identify students
for Tier 2 supports.
A consistent progress-monitoring system is used
across Tier 2 supports and interventions
Tier 2 intervention is aligned to the need of
groups of students in the school.
Tier 2 Supports are aligned with Tier 1 systems
and language.
Tier 2 systems do not supplant Tier 1
Infrastructure is in place for foundational support for Tier 3 interventions.
Collaborative consultation facilitation is used in guiding development of function-based behavioral intervention plans.
Functional behavior processes based on behavioral science principles serve as the foundation for individualized interventions.
Progress monitoring and data-based decision- making are used throughout the Tier 3 process
Tier 3 systems do not supplant Tier 1 and 2 interventions.
Wraparound services are provided when necessary.
Tier 1: Core, universal instruction and supports are when general academic and behavior instruction and supports are provided to all students in all settings.
Tier 2: Targeted, supplemental interventions and supports are when more targeted instruction/intervention and supplemental supports are provided, in addition to and aligned with the core academic and behavior curriculum.
Tier 3: Intensive, individual interventions and supports are when the most intense instruction and intervention based on individual student need, in addition to and aligned with Tier 1 & 2 academic and behavior instruction and supports.
Aligned supplemental Curriculums/ Programs
School-wide Supports
Bully Prevention Programs
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support
(framework to support curriculum and programs)
Sources of Strength
Trauma Informed Practices
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Classroom Supports
Behavior Analyst Classroom Consultation
Caring School Community*
Conscious Discipline
Discipline in the Secondary Classroom
Sanford Harmony*
PBIS Classroom Coaching
Restorative Practices
Check In Check Out (PBIS)
I Can Problem Solve*
PBIS Tier 2 Training (for PBIS Implementers)
Peer Mediation
Positive Action*
Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies
School Connect*
Second Step*
Zones of Regulation*
Counseling (Community-based agency)
Counseling (school-based)
Crisis Response Team/Suicide Risk Inquiry
Non Violent Crisis Intervention (CPI)
Positive Behavior Support: Understanding
Student Behavior
*Curriculum vetted through the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL)