Page 3 - Winter 2018 Digital inLEAGUE Vol.41 No.01
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Greetings from President & CEO, Ken Stein

              2018 Board of Directors          Dear Members:
                   Dana Amendola               We hope you enjoy this latest digital version of our InLeague
                Disney Theatrical Group        magazine. I was about to wish everyone a Happy New Year,
                    Randy Cohen                but then I realized it’s already March. I guess I lost track of time
                 Americans for the Arts        because there is just so much going on within the League as
                    Molly Fortune              evidenced by the flurry of activity on the LHAT-CHAT Network.  If
                Newberry Opera House           you are not utilizing that benefit, you might want to reconsider.
                   Jeffrey W. Gabel            If you can’t remember how to access the LHAT- CHAT, please
                   Majestic Theater            reach out to Tisha Shelden at
                   Becky Hancock
          Historic Tennessee Theatre Foundation  We will be in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania for our first Regional
                  Micah Hollingworth           Conference this year, April 10-11.  Thank you to the Gettysburg
                  Jujamcyn Theaters            College’s Majestic Theater for hosting us and to the Pennsylvania
                      Mark Litvin              Council on the Arts for their financial support. You can register
                 New York City Center          for the conference online at Our host hotel is the
                     Chris Loeser              Gettysburg Hotel.  The deadline for preferred room rates is March
          DLR Group | Westlake Reed Leskosky   9.
                    Keith Marston
               The Shubert Organization        Plans are well underway for the National Conference that will
                    Randy McKay                take place July 15-18, in Austin, Texas.  I am very excited to be
                    Jefferson Live!            working with the Paramount and State Theatres again. I think
                   Maureen Patton              you will all learn a great deal as we take a closer look at this very
             The Grand 1894 Opera House        successful non-profit which continues to succeed despite the
                    Brian Phoebus              overwhelming number of competitive venues in the Live Music
              Maury, Donnelly & Parr Inc.      Capital of the World.   Our keynote speaker will be Duff Stewart,
                     Bill Register             Chief Executive Officer of GSD&M Idea City, a company that
             The Nederlander Organization      helped elect a president, launch an airline, turn Walmart into a
               Michael Schnoering, FAIA        global retail force, and even gave Texas its rallying cry – Don’t
            Mills+Schnoering Architects, LLC   Mess With Texas!  Registration will open in late April.
                      Tony Sias
                  Karamu House, Inc.           And for those of you still wanting more, we will be in Portland,
           Stephanie Silverman (Board Chair)   Oregon for our second Regional Conference, September 12-13.
                   Belcourt Theatre            We look forward to working with our conference partner, Restore
                   Lynne King Smith            Oregon. This conference continues our ongoing initiative to bring
                     TicketForce               more West Coast historic theatres into the League. Who knows?
                    Tom Tomlinson              If it goes well, we might just have to plan a National Conference
           Arts Council of Winston-Salem and   there soon.
                    Forsyth County
                                               Look for more information about all three conferences including
                                               online registration at
                   BOARD EMERITUS
                    Dulcie Gilmore             I look forward to seeing you in Gettysburg, Austin and/or Portland.
               Dulcie Gilmore & Associates
                     Alice North               Sincerely,
                 The North Group Inc.
                     Halsey North
                 The North Group Inc.
                    Darlene Smolik             Ken A. Stein
               Plymouth Soundings, LLC         President & CEO

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