Page 32 - November 2017 inLEAGUE Resource Guide (Vol. 40, No. 5)
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clients succeed in these complex times. We genius behind Theatre Manager venue
guide feasibility studies, project development management software. Theatre Manager
efforts, and provide implementation planning is the finest, affordable solution for Patron &
on arts and cultural projects of every type Household CRM with seamless integration
and every scale. Our notion of moving of Box Office, Development, Marketing,
organizations beyond “sustainable” to “vital” Finance, Volunteer and Facility Management
enterprises is built on changes in how success is functions. Theatre Manager is used at colleges,
defined, how organizations engage with their universities, municipalities, non-profits and
communities and partners, and how a next- for-profit organizations. Our experience is
generation business model might work. We drawn from many 100s of venues, with 1000s
facilitate the creation of lasting public value. of users using Theatre Manager to annually
track approximately 3/4 of a billion dollars
in revenue. Since 1985, Theatre Manager
Art House Cinema Solutions software has been used to manage everything
from Theatres to Festivals, from Arenas to
Contact: Performing Art Centers, from Symphony
Charles Frankel, President & CEO Orchestras to Museums . . . to just about
2052 N. Lincoln Park West everything in between.
Chicago, IL 60614
866.379.5813 x101 ArtsReady ⁄ South Arts
Company Description: Susie Surkamer, Executive Director
Art House Cinema Solutions is the best CRM 1800 Peachtree Street, Suite 808
solution for Historic Theatres and Art House Atlanta, GA 30309
Cinemas: offering fully integrated Concessions
POS, Ticketing, Reporting, Screen Scheduling, (803) 603-4439
Marketing, Fundraising, Membership and Staff
and Volunteer Shift Scheduling. In addition
to our new standalone Ticket Sales Kiosk, we Company Description:
now offer a Digital Signage Solution as well. As steward of an historic theatre, you’re
Designed specifically for Historic Theatres diligent about protecting its structure and
and Art House Cinemas, our solution is highly spirit. But, are other critical elements of your
affordable and has no expensive per ticket operations protected by a plan? ArtsReady,
costs. You’ll be instantly more productive and an online emergency preparedness service
have the tools you need to increase ticket by and for arts/cultural nonprofits, provides
sales, grow your member-base, your patron- arts organizations with customized business
base and most importantly - your donor-base. continuity plans for post-crisis sustainability.
We offer the simplicity of one single solution - ArtsReady helps you assess your readiness
one best-of-breed - multi-purpose CRM system level for communications, personnel, IT,
with all of your data in one place. Grow your finances and performances, as well as your
business faster and know your customers better facility, then guides you through developing
with Art House Cinema Solutions. your customized plan. You get access to a
national Library of readiness examples and
resources, Member e-newsletters with tips
Arts Management Systems, Ltd. and stories, and our help at any point in your
planning process. LHAT members can become
Contact: a Premium Member for 50% off- request
Tod Wilson, Director of Sales & Marketing your discount code at ArtsReady is a national initiative of South Arts.
(403) 536-1214
Company Description:
Arts Management Systems is the creative
PAGE 30 | INLEAGUE League of Historic American Theatres