Page 45 - November 2017 inLEAGUE Resource Guide (Vol. 40, No. 5)
P. 45

Company Description:                                  The Field Organization
           Stages Consultants is a theatre and acoustics
           design consultancy founded on the principle          Contact:
           that every project, from a high school                 Thomas H. Field
           auditorium to a major performing arts center,          20 Willow Avenue #1
           deserves the full attention, creative thinking         Somerville, MA 02144
           and problem solving skills of seasoned,      
           experienced experts. Stages Consultants                (617) 764-5259
           accepts only a small number of projects      
           at a time so that we can offer that kind of          Company Description:
           attention and deliver the highest quality              The Field Organization offers services in
           theatre and acoustical design. Founders and            strategic thinking, maximizing income and
           industry veterans Alec Stoll and Damian Doria          cultural planning to presenting and performing
           are experienced principals with established            arts organizations as well as local and state
           careers in the field. With nearly 40 years of          government agencies and funders. Four
           combined consulting experience and another             experienced professionals offer hands on
           30 in the performing arts industry, Alec and           problem solving to help find solutions, launch a
           Damian have the knowledge, creativity, talent          new project or rejuvenate an old one.
           and pedigree to take on performing arts
           projects of any size and scope.
                                                               The North Group Inc.

        Stuart Jackson, LLC ⁄ Bloomsburg Carpet                 Contact:
        Industries                                                Halsey & Alice North, Chairman & President
                                                                  2150 Broadway #14C
         Contact:                                                 New York NY 10023
           Mark Thomann, Principal                      
           1352 Thornapple Court                                  (212) 875-8423 | (917) 207-7589 (mobile)
           Acworth, GA 30101                            
           (404) 408-1773                                       Company Description:
                        The North Group Inc.’s Halsey and Alice North
                                                                  will maximize your historic theater potential
         Company Description:                                     through an integrated approach to planning,
           Bloomsburg Carpet Industries is the last               board development, and fundraising.
           family owned carpet weaving manufacturer               HISTORIC THEATER clients include – MA:
           in America. Nestled in the picturesque                 Coolidge Corner Theatre in Brookline; MI:
           Susquehanna River Valley of Pennsylvania,              Michigan Theater/State Theatre in Ann Arbor;
           Bloomsburg Carpet is the industry leader in            NJ: State Theatre New Jersey in New Brunswick;
           American made woven carpet construction                IN: Arts United Center (Louis Kahn, architect)
           and styling. Distinctly committed to the time-         in Fort Wayne; NY: Proctors in Schenectady,
           honored technique of carpet weaving,                   Hudson Opera House in Hudson, Clemens
           Bloomsburg Carpet’s velvet, Wilton and                 Center in Elmira; CT: Garde Arts Center in New
           Axminster carpet products are quality made,            London; FL: Tampa Theatre in Tampa and
           environmentally preferred, and crafted by              Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater; OH: Great
           American carpet weavers. Bloomsburg Carpet             Lakes Theater/ Hanna Theatre in Cleveland;
           is the product of choice and historically              PA: Strand-Capitol Performing Arts Center in
           appropriate for the restoration of America’s           York and State Theatre Center for the Arts in
           historic theatres.                                     Easton; VT: Flynn Center for the Performing Arts
                                                                  in Burlington; WI: Grand Theater/ArtsBlock in
                        Refer to the Quick                        Wausau.
                        Guide on page 26
                         to see listings by
                        service category.

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