Page 40 - 27-29 di juli
P. 40

                    PAGINA 12                                                  Henley Davelaar:
                      Serlimar cu diferente workshop pa grupo di hobennan

                                                   durante temporadu di vakantie

                                                 El a indica c•u ya caba diferente material ta drentando y
                     ORANJESTAD        (AAN):    ta procesando nan. F siman aki tabata tin diferente work-
                     Apertura di e Upcycle       shop cu muchanan di scol at Ia den vakantie kamp.
                     Center ta bayendo den       “Nos kier encurasha pa gruponan cu ainda tin espacio
                     ‘fill swing’, segun three-  den nan plan di vakantie, cu nan kier bin, yarna nos libre
                     tor di Serlimar, Henley     mente. Nos Ia schedule nan. Nos tin c begeleider cu por

                       Auto a sail dflanti Scooter y laga

                                         manehador herida                                           —


                                                                                                            vuda nan. dunn nan infornrncion, concientiza nan cc ho

                                                                                                            ta reduci, re-uza y recicla.
                                                                                                            Mi ta kcre esaki Ia tin boa proyccto pa ho inclui den
                                                                                                            boso vakantie plannan. Y nos Ia hahn Thin dia te cu Ton di
                                                                                                            anochi. pa acomoda tur hende cu kier bin haci escy y den
                                                                                                            weekend diasabra mainta”. Davelaar a indica.

                                                                                                                  Are you interested in a ness and exciting challenge at our
                                                                     ‘N                                                 Dlvi Propertics? Then here is your chance!
                                                                                                                Open Position Human Resources Training Manager

                                                                                                               Posthon rajulrements
                                                                   GAlLOWAY COHPKTON
                          OL\NJESTAD (AAN): Tahata     GCGe A.flS’E cAT9ft’fl CE                                   •  Mmnnum Bachelor Degree in HospitabLy Management or a formal Hospuahw
                          Diabienia nierdia  ,: L’amadanan  CATEmNO                                                  Trarn thicauon oraqnvalent
                          a drenta na autoridad. rndicando                        .oa%ated, cwiizedth4dUid to Ion,- pa-  •  Free (5)veaxs eiipencnce in suwlarposnmn ala resort
                          Cu na e LW.’ ida di Driemaster  Caltawsy Corpotaic.. a IooI&ig tore tod,                 •  Ad’aaed comparer knowledge and skills
                                                                   n Ct
                                                        at ‘tSR” The
                          slraat cu Boliviastraat  Caya                 ‘EVENT SUPERVISOR”                            fluent in Engisti, Spwish and Dutch
                          Roes Omian tin ‘an accident.                                                             •
                              Chauffeur di un Mit’ubi   Reqeirenn.a:            -                                  •  Enondt> with people
                                                          • arnO ‘4t aid ffâ*AIg Ie’. p.elnbly a ii t, hwiba%tosS bidi
                          shi Lancer a suhi carninda sin  •  ii rfldaio* i, U.S — — aid bi lie ho%aiy haaty         •  Elexibleinworkntgfvzurs.
                          dana preferencia na un Catalina  • •  Experrnna to aoo...L. ta êeCThO th1.bW)             •  Eicellent inteipereonal and comananication skills.  it)aslay anlated ninang
                                                                           . N0t
                                                           Yod a vay %adti
                           Scooter color cora cu number   •  Yori n 10  to IO bcaen aid ttn                         • Capable ofeasessang, *s,gmiig and executnag d
                                                            You SU o,at. .oi,a%etod. gid.atmd and tepoe.ia..
                           MFA-11181.                     • •  Good kno4edge ci i. Eneb, Papia.meit aid               programs an tnthstha1 and group fortran
                            Debi nit e impacto, e motoci  • •  Conwea.a O.t b*ipnores nra. flenaiSy. ewgc &fl ünUot
                           clista a dal abao y keda berida.  todoni4 . Pon  aid a.m.a. lisa, E
                                                            COTa*t bt*4St
                              Polls y tanthe Mnbulans a   • •  LoCal oi it • __L. ‘scalp pant.                  Sabityocrsp$kaUai4.e-a. at msrbgmega,sci4nm.
                                                                                                                 1* need defivered sppKca&a pkas. pusbyo& JWmaa køen OWce liatedatlbt
                           yega basta rapido cia e lugar, pa
                           asina atende e victima cu tabata  — oar  — —                                          Tawadjn xWn B*ebRn.d from MuUay Palday betneufle tM nsd U*flL
                                                            Key v,ttfllp enaof
                           benta ahao herida.             - -  Day It.n aid 55 aye pat wer  fl iawanoa                                  - Pa ho potntnaa excbmivo    *
                              Paramediconan a stabiliza e  -  Mbacti.e y. s.cmiday bna. aag piwi. CR’ I          Pa ho firda
                                                            G’wt. ooit. fld on
                           victima, y despues a bay cune   - -  lp                          at The Intata. Use  coiiecla vu        : :    ‘ii:rida nba c&l’s
                                                                                    —,. tie p4annng tie n.aia the
                           Hospital pa examinacion mas   In at agani a at reo’aU.le tra seat wa                                            ABO TA NOS WOWO RIBA CAVA PA
                                                                     it a ptopoe. *0 9t’
                                                                            aid to CVt No ewni e tnt Sant ‘sit in.
                                                         0_i. t,
                                                           - ta.g k Iato-tnfl. bnd to the y.ala of U’s n,met, U, diane furor the o*drvnr:
                           avanza.                       citaitset aid .gØea, tie                                                       VUDA INFORMANOS PUEBLO DEBIDAMEI4T
                             Policnan di frafico a actidi na  aUSt aId sO lfltie & tie
                            e it:ga: itinediatamente pa ftrna  C—led    pa. by Cau,’ny Capo.ion a lie duct Sna Bet  718     WhatsApp               - 592-9684”’
                            dato  ‘.‘  had investigacv di c  Ndaata   n.
                            aecidente.                    On iy ppsca,a ad to, C’sw fl  4w anofldg.-tnent.
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