Page 49 - 22 di mei
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DIAR4NZON 22 !1EI 2019
                                                                               DIARIO                                                        PAGINA 13
                            Endy Croes den asunto di Ernst & Young:
                                                                                                  Aruba Lions Club su
                Cu pasenshi bo ta gana

                                                                                                  Legend Night ta den

            OR&N.TESTAD        (AAN):                                Hues a bay hopi cna a nba                 full swing
            Despues di 10 aAa di lua.                                e modus cpemnth di Ernst &
            e noticia grandi a siman uki                             Young ceiura Croes. Decision
            In cu 5 hues den Casatie na                              na H aLL[IL1CS den a vonnis cy
            Hulanda ta cLadena Ernst &                               ta cemo bo sieuente;  verc
            Young cania cuipabe! di un                                    \-err reert dat E::>r &
            rapport •cnrcc!1matc  falso                              Y:azz each. h,idig heeft uc
            den caso di Lrt’.                                        jzaakt ran een on:itwatite
              Ernst & Yonar pues a peale                             daadjegens Croes”.
            den casac:on:  ne I:n fln—                                  Ernst Sc Ycura coma un
            gun otro Cone ;a:s pa ay                                 compana   multi  ciyonanio
            apela. Pues tin di djis acepta  henter farnia.           murdialmente     rerembra
            cu e rapport ta tin berguenza  DC>pUCS cu Endy Croes a   coma un Ci esnan di a Big
            grandi.                     gana Ernst & Young na HOF    Four den muluEc di accoum
              Na opinion di Endy Croes,  dia 16 di januari 2018 unda  ing a dicidi di bay Cassatie
            “cu pasenshi bo ta gana gb  HOF a dunn un venedicro y a  na Hulanda. Pues den 2018
            tin                         conelui cu Ernst & Young ta  ;unke Parlarnentario Croes
             Panlamentario Endy Croes a  culpabel pa a traIn un rapport  tabata hopi acti’o den su tra
            sphica CU diabiema ultimo den  ilicito y falso cu yen di engaflo  baonan sirbiendo su pueblo
            oranan di mainta su Abogado  Contra Croes, Ernst & Young  como Parlamentario mester
            Anthony Ruiz a sorprend’e cu  a bay Cassatie na Hulanda.  a sigui lucha contra e 41mon-
            un yamada agradabel cuah a    Den un veredicto di 23 pa-
                                                                    ster” cu un determinacion sin
            trece masha hopi alegria den  gina di Hofna 2018 unda 3  igual hunto Cu SU abogado
                                                                    Ruiz y team mas un team in
                                                                        Diabiema uhimo sinem
                                                                    bargo veredicto di Cassatie
                                                                    a drenta unda 5 Hues na Hu
                                                                    landa a reconfirma e decision
                                                                    di HOE cu Ernst & Young
                                OPPORTUParr.                        a comete un onrechtmatige
                                                                    daad Contra Croes.          ORANJESTAD        (AAN):     hende a core busca nan
              Assistant Op&ational/Interrial Auditor
                                                                      Casi 10 aña di lucha feroz  Marten ya anuncia an       ticket y ainda tin pa esnan
                                                              a                                                             Cu na ultimo momento ta
              $owigconsbb&flcpeatng companleswlth cftveseactMtks    y sacrificio sin iguab awor  teriormente Aruba Lions
              seth as at dealers, nr rental and leastng. nlllagclsouvenbs. gIfts.
                                                                    a yega su finaL EY no tin   Club tin un tremendo fies    dicidi cu nan no kier keda
              bøaks,klswedoddng etc wholesale ofconsumer gaoáaM
                                                                    mas caminda legal pa cana y
              phannaautkab,lnthsfll bundiy, reel estate. The Omupis active In                   ta dia 29 di Mei na Renais  afor.
              Amb& Bonafre,Cumo and Antique.  S                     porfin e berdad awe Jo keda
                    *                                                                           sance Convention Center        E prijs pa ticket ta duna
                                                                    ancra den histonia. Parlamen
              We aselookh’.g S an AssistatitoperaoriaAAntenal Mt for Jodey                      bao di e nomber di Legend   entrada na 2 persona y cu
                                                                    tario Endy Croes no a bay
              Hd&g The Assistant Auditor wili be responslteetr streamlining internal
                                                                                                Night.                      lo disfruta di e 5 bandan
                                                                    den detaye pero kier invita
              conttsaMprotedw’, ezecuting audit procedwes to eftswethat
              appropnate controls edst processing is efficient and accurate and                  Pa esaki tin no menos cu 5
                                                                    henter pueblo di Aruba pa                               an, un sabroso dinner y na
              procedures are In compliance with corporate standards.
                                                                    sigui e conferencia di prensa  banda ta actuando e anochi  trualmente di un tremendo
             ThtAssistantAi4itor also works on special projects w4th an euhasls on  dialuna mainta 11 am unda  aid Cu ta Amado Rosina cu  open bar. Tambe lo tin mas
              developing valueadded recommendations that wilt significantly enhance our
                                                                    Abogado Anthony Ruiz bo     The High Notes, Claudius
              businessa As the Assistant Auditor you will be reporting to the Internal Audit                                sorpresa pa tur cu ho asisti.
              Manager of the Holding.                               bay amphia nba e sentencia  Philips cu su grupo Oreo,   E dress code ta di e tempo
                                                                   di I-loge Raad. Tabata un ca
                                                                                                Papito y su doble Sabor,
             JoHey Holding offers a challenging position within a dyoam.c international                                     di 80, 90. Manera a yarne:
                                                                    minda di cmz pero cu pasen
             workmg wvwonment wiiere them is stong enphaslsai both teamwork and                 Musical Time y Robert y     “Cocktail Chic”.
                                                                   shi Ba ta gana gloria. Penado
             selt-teliarica lolleiy Holding offers excellont cowçensalion packages
                                                                                                su solo Banda Show. Pa
             indudh’ig secondary benefit such asapenston plan.     no ta pena pa semper, Croes ta                             Pa carchi por contact cu
                                                                                                e fiesta aki ya caba hopi
                                                                   termina bisando.                                         mr miembro nan di Aruba
             Job requirements
                                                                                                                            Lions Club. Si sobra ticket
             • A bachetor% degree hi the areas of accountanqc controlling or beIng In an
              advanced study stage of obtaining a degee.                                                                    lo bende na porta. Aruba
             • At least 2 yeats successful experieixe in ether audit, control or operational  LUCKYSUPERSTORE
              risk managrment                                                                                               Lions Club ta sigur cu tur
                                                                                                                            cu acudi 1o pasa hopi bon
             • Good communications sidlisanda great team player
              Highly developed attention to detail and amiracy
             • Abietowo*wdh tight deadlines aM high sflri&tofqi,allty          **TA BUSCA**                                 y ta gradici tur cu a yuda
             • Mleto trawlabroad on shorttip.                                                                               CU C anochi aki.
             • Strong command of spoken andwftttenEngllsh and Out&Seing fluent In
              Papiameato is considemd an advantage
                                                                       • WAREHOUSE HELPER
             * Have a pennanent residence stats in Aruba.                                                                    Te1efonnan
             Contact information
             Is this the)obyou are lookkigM? Apply mwntng (induding your reswnd to                                              di DIARIO
                                                                       - Mester tin (.0. ydocumento nan Valido,
             Mr. Sudesh Manichand, Managing Directoriolley Holding at Croesstraat 3,
                                                                       - Edad entre 19 pa 35 aña
             aijestad,Arubaor sendan email at
             For ntresnSmathn call (+297) 5289550                                                                               582-677
             A psoioglcaltet and past cm  rhockwmindeheck ace part c
             recruiting process. All information will beteated with the utmost  Pa mas informashon pa yama
             conMetelity and discietton                                                                                           a  Fax
                                                                             na 582-1645 of manda CV
                                                                               na                            582-8551
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