Page 60 - Goldair Handling_Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development Report 2017
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4.3. Risk Management
Recognising the need to record and analyse potential threaten the stability and continuity of its operations. The
threats that could affect its operations, Goldair Handling risk management methodology used consists of identifying,
has taken actions in order to effectively avoid such threats. recording, monitoring and assessing financial and non-
The Company places great emphasis on the effective financial risks in all Company activities and facilities.
monitoring and management of risks that might arise and
Detailed data and information on the identification and management of financial risks can be found in the relevant section
of the Annual Management Report of the Board of Directors of the Company.
By applying systems under the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 22000:2005 Standards, the Company carries out a
non-financial risk analysis in order to address potential threats. More specifically, the following are implemented:
In the framework of the Environmental
Management System under ISO
14001:2015 it applies, Goldair Handling
QUALITY MANAGEMENT has developed the process named FOOD SAFETY
In the framework of its Quality ‘Actions to address threats and With respect to Food Safety issues,
Management System, the utilise opportunities concerning the Company holds certification
Company has developed a Process the Environment’. It conducts an under ISO 22000:2005, whereby
named ‘Process Analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment it can recognise potential threats
Improvement - Risk Analysis for each station of its network, and take the measures necessary
/ Assessment and Evaluation as described in the ‘Identification in order to ensure the quality of
of Quality-Related Threats and of Environmental Aspects and the services it provides. For this
Opportunities’ presenting the Environmental Impact Assessment’ reason, the Company has developed
manner in which the Company process of the Integrated a process named ‘HACCP Study -
records and analyses potential Management System. Hazard Analysis of Critical Control
Points’, where risks are identified and
threats and opportunities for the
assessed and so are critical control
entire range of its activities, as well
points in order to ensure
as the precautions taken to avoid
more effective food
these threats.
Additionally, recognising the importance of Safety throughout through the Risk Assessment carried out for the entirety of the
the range of its activities, Goldair Handling has proceeded, in Company’s network. Subsequently, based on the analysis that
cooperation with a specialised associate, with recording and has taken place, the actions necessary to avoid risks are taken
analysing the threats arising during the performance of work and their efficacy is periodically inspected.