Page 9 - Communication within Today's Modern Hospitality Industry
P. 9

          INTRODUCTION   CONTENTS      ONE       TWO        THREE      FOUR       FIVE        SIX      STUDIES   OF TERMS

            TETRA                                                                                                               SUMMARY

            THE SOLUTION OF CHOICE FOR PUBLIC                                                                                   BUILDING THE PLATFORM
            SAFETY AND DEMANDING COMMERCIAL                                                                                     THAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU
            ENVIRONMENTS.                                                                                                       Taking a look at your business – its size
            •  A range of rugged devices that are ideal for mission critical use                                                and structure, its working conditions, its
            •  ATEX certification for hazardous and potentially explosive                                                       people and the roles they play – helps you
              environments                                                                                                      define your communication requirements.
            •  Key features including loud audio, long battery life and                                                         And with our four radio families, you can
              enhanced coverage                                                                                                 start mapping out a path that takes your
            •  Choice of rugged devices with simple or full keypads and an                                                      entire communication platform where it
              ATEX option                                                                                                       needs to be. We can then work with you to
            •  Stylish and discrete ST7000 model is ideal for customer-facing                                                   develop a solution that supports your specific
              roles at airports, hotels and other customer facing roles                                                         objectives - so ultimately your business
            •  Dedicated accessories for in-vehicle and hands-free use plus                                                     thrives with enhanced efficiency, productivity
              multi-unit chargers, remote speaker microphones, earpieces                                                        and safety.
              and headsets
                                                                                                                                THREE THINGS TO

                                                                                                                                1.  Is your business being let down by
                                                                                                                                    your communication network? For
                                                                                                                                    example, is key information not
                                                                                                                                    getting through and are operations

                                                                                                                                2.  Could your business benefit from
                                                                                                                                    extending radio communication
                                                                                                                                    beyond voice capabilities with
                                                                                                                                    productivity enhancing data
                                                                                                                                3.  Are you confident that your workforce
              TETRA    TETRA     TETRA    TETRA   TETRA ADVISOR  TETRA MTP8000Ex                                                    is adequately protected when working
             MTP3500  MTP3550   MTP6650   ST7000  TPG2200 PAGER  Series                                                             alone in extreme environments?

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