Page 277 - Your Workplace 2020
P. 277
Did you know this
about ergonomics?
Your seating posture...
should be so your hips are pushed forward as far as possible.
Your feet should be flat to the floor with your knees equal or slightly
lower than your hips. Make sure your upper and lower back is
supported at all times.
Your keyboard...
should be in a comfortable position and your wrists should float over the
keyboard when typing, ensuring that wrists and forearms remain straight.
Your computer monitor should be...
1. Placed in a location that eliminates glare on the screen.
2. Placed at a right angle/away from the windows and task lights.
3. Placed directly in front of you.
“Simply choosing to 4. Placed so the top line of the screen is at or slightly
alter body posture to (0-30 degrees) below eye level.
a more upright position
5. Placed at least an arm’s length away from you.
can improve mood and
6. Placed so you can clearly read the screen without bending
energy levels.”
your head or neck forward or backward.
Did you know...
Interior Solutions
The average office
worker spends as
much as 1700 hours
per year sitting at
their desk.
Call us on 0345 22 22 444