Page 486 - Your Workplace 2020
P. 486

486                                         Indexes & Dividers

                   Indexes & Dividers                                                                                !

                            durable indexes which allow you to create professional presentations, reports and projects.
                                           ;OLYL HYL H ^PKL YHUNL VM PUKL_LZ HUK KP]PKLYZ VU VɈLY

                                  Mylar                             Plain Tabbed                     Polypropylene
                                  Mylar tabbed indexes come         Dividers have plain tabs         Polypropylene indexes are
                                  complete with a printed           which can be personalised        hard wearing and tear
                                  contents page and are             MVY `V\Y ÄSPUN W\YWVZLZ          resistant. Great for
                                  colour coded for easy             Extra wide options are           everyday use.
                                  referencing.                      available and great for use
                                                                    with poly pockets.

                                  Brights                          Traditional                       Reinforced
                                  Bright and neon dividers         Great economical choice for       These subject dividers have
                                  come in eye-catching             `V\Y ÄSPUN ULLKZ  0KLHS MVY       reinforced holes for extra
                                  colours for those who want       use with ring binders and         strength and durability.
                                  [OLPY ÄSPUN [V Z[HUK V\[         SL]LY HYJO ÄSLZ

                a  .   Classic Indexes
                  A comprehensive range of premium indexes for               Reinforced for   !
                numerical, alphabetical and monthly filing.                Durability
                •  White board with clear Mylar  reinforced tabs and
                 punched holes for durability.
                • Contents page for cross reference.
                • A4 punched 4 holes.
                • 180gsm.

                Code    Description   Pack  Price
                A3 White
                JT04601  1-10         Each  £13.52 E
                JT04801  1-20         Each  £25.42 F
                A4 White
                JTCS5   1-5           Each  £3.86 E
                JTCS9   1-10          Each  £5.51 E
                JTCS12  1-12          Each  £6.56 E
                JTCS14  1-15          Each  £8.27 E
                JTCS7   1-20          Each  £9.32 E
                JTCS55  1-50          Each  £30.46 F
                JTCS57  1-100         Each  £60.91 F
                JT05801  1-200        Each  £114.64 F
                JTCS45  A-Z 26 Part   Each  £13.61 E
                A5 White
                JTCS70  1-5           Each  £4.20 F
                JTCS71  1-10          Each  £6.15 F
                JTCS73  A-Z 20 Part   Each  £9.22 F

                b  .   Multicolour Indexes
            Filing Solutions  • Multicolour matching contents page.
                  Create professional presentations, reports and projects with these
                multicolour tabbed indexes.
                •  White board with coloured Mylar  reinforced tabs and punched holes for durability.
                • A4 punched 4 holes.
                • Extra wide indexes for use with A4 punched pockets.
                • 180gsm board.

                A4 White with Multicolour Tabs  Pack  Price
                JTCS2   1-5           Each  £4.56 F  Code   Description   Pack  Price
                JTCS4   1-10          Each  £5.88 E  A4 Extra Wide White with Multicolour Tabs
                JT01301  1-12         Each  £7.82 F  JTCS96  1-5          Each  £5.51 F
                JT01601  1-15         Each  £9.97 F  JTCS97  1-10         Each  £7.78 E
                JTCS19  1-20          Each  £11.40 F  JT09801  1-12       Each  £9.30 E
                JT05001  1-50         Each  £31.83 F  JTCS99  1-20        Each  £12.95 E
                JTCS21  A-Z 20 Part   Each  £10.48 F  JT10001  1-31       Each  £18.40 F
                JT02401  Jan-Dec      Each  £7.10 E  JT07801  A-Z 20 Part   Each  £14.60 F
                JTCS8   10 Part       Each  £6.10 F  JT07901  Jan-Dec     Each  £8.64 E
                                                      Call us on 0345 22 22 444
                                                                                                        Extended delivery times may apply.▲
               All prices exclude VAT. E & OE                                     Special delivery requirements may apply and/or be subject to additional returns conditions.✪

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