Page 530 - Your Workplace 2020
P. 530
530 Adhesive Tapes
a . Magic Tape
Less mess, less stress, more Magic! Ideal for
mending documents, sealing envelopes or
temporary labels.
• Can be written or typed on.
• Virtually invisible on white paper so application is not seen.
• The essential tape for office professionals.
• Will not yellow or dry out with age.
3M20593 3M07137 3M10572
Free Dispenser !
Code Description Pack Price
3M66725 12mm x 66m 2 £14.65 F
3M56419 19mm x 25m 3 £13.46 F
3M65792 19mm x 25m with Dispenser 12 £74.63 F
3M66729 19mm x 33m Each £4.24 D
3M66726 19mm x 66m Each £9.28 F
3M66740 25mm x 66m Each £11.90 E
3M25910 Magic Tape and Dispenser 12 £54.74 F
3M34916 Magic Tape and Dispenser 16 £75.22 F
3M20593 19mm x 33m 7+1 £32.75 F
3M07137 19mm x 33m 12+2 £56.07 F
3M10572 19mm x 33m 20+4 £98.25 F
b . Scotch 508 Tapes c . Specialist Tapes d . Scotch Clip and brand
Can be used for everyday light duty Scotch Super Hold Tape Twist Dispenser new
sealing, labelling and repair . • Features 50% more adhesive than standard tapes ®
and is thicker for a long lasting durable bond.
• A general purpose tape. Scotch Magic Tape Clip and
• 19mm x 25m. Twist Dispenser.
Scotch Crystal Tape • A stronger bond than our standard transparent tape.
• A glossy, transparent tape with long lasting adhesive. • The perfect product for your sealing
• 19mm x 33m. and securing needs.
Scotch Removable 811 Magic™ Tape • Tape dispenser and roll of 19mm x 33m
• Unique adhesive holds paper securely, yet is easy to
magic tape included.
remove or reposition.
•19mm x 33m.
Scotch Double Sided Tape
• Double sided office tape is coated with permanent
adhesive on both sides.
•19mm x 33m.
Office Sundries
Code Description Pack Price
3M41533 25mm x 66m 6 £18.86 E Code Description Pack Price
3M83536 24mm x 50m Each £1.96 E 3M72373 Super Hold 6 £30.89 F
3M41531 24mm x 33m 6 £15.76 F 3M26192 Crystal Each £3.58 E
3M91994 19mm x 33m 8 £3.66 F 3M66228 Removable 811 Magic™ Each £5.00 E Code Description Pack Price
3M91990 19mm x 66m 8 £6.43 F 3M72655 Double Sided Each £25.42 F 3M27281 Tape and Dispenser Each £13.17 F
Call us on 0345 22 22 444
Extended delivery times may apply.▲
All prices exclude VAT. E & OE Special delivery requirements may apply and/or be subject to additional returns conditions.✪
Nectere Cat_2020_P530-531.indd 530 14/01/2020 18:11