Page 587 - Your Workplace 2020
P. 587


                   How to choose the right binding machine

                 Binding a document says something about you - whether it’s that all important
                   sales proposal for a customer, a sales bound legal document, or a regularly
                  used training document. Select from a range of binding styles and covers to
                                                make sure it represents you.

                       Informal                           Business                       Professional

                  Internal documents like              Internal and external            External documents like
                training manuals, reference            documents like sales          sales proposals, commercial
                documents, business plans,          presentations, commercial           agreements, contracts,
                handbooks and tax returns             proposals and reports,           tenders, legal documents
                   General everyday use              essays and dissertations                and brochures
                                                       Regularly used and                Important individual
                                                      important documents                     documents

                      Choose: A or C                    Choose: B, C or D                   Choose: B or D

               A          Comb Binders                    Quick and easy to bind with low cost spines

                           Informal binding for:
                           ࠮ .LULYHS L]LY`KH` \ZL
                           ࠮ 0U[LYUHS KVJ\TLU[Z
                           ࠮ ;YHPUPUN HUK YLMLYLUJL X\PKLZ
                           ࠮ )\ZPULZZ WSHUZ OHUKIVVRZ

               B          Wire Binders                              Smart and professional finish

                           Professional binding for:
                           ࠮ 0TWVY[HU[ PUKP]PK\HS KVJ\TLU[Z
                           ࠮ *VTTLYJPHS HNYLLTLU[Z
                           ࠮ ;LUKLYZ
                           ࠮ 3LNHS KVJ\TLU[Z

              C           Multi Binders                        Different binding styles in one binder
                           Informal binding for:
                           ࠮ .LULYHS L]LY`KH` \ZL
                           ࠮ 0U[LYUHS KVJ\TLU[Z                                                                            Office Machines
                           ࠮ ;YHPUPUN HUK YLMLYLUJL N\PKLZ
                           ࠮ )\ZPULZZ WSHUZ OHUKIVVRZ                    ‘Published book’ finish

               D          Thermal Binders

                           Professional binding for:
                           ࠮ 0TWVY[HU[ PUKP]PK\HS KVJ\TLU[Z
                           ࠮ :HSLZ WYVWVZHSZ
                           ࠮ )YVJO\YLZ

                                                   Call us on 0345 22 22 444
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             ✪ Special delivery requirements may apply and/or be subject to additional returns conditions.    All prices exclude VAT. E & OE

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