Page 628 - Your Workplace 2020
P. 628

628                                    Trackers & Smart Watches


                       Sickness absence
                     costs UK businesses an
                    estimated £29 billion each                                                        Fitbit trackers
                                                                                                    and smartwatches
                  year. A lack of physical activity,
                   lack of relaxation and failure                                                  are a fantastic way to
                    to take care of your health                                                    get fi t with colleagues
                  can lead to employees having                                                      whilst also creating
                        sickness related                                                           a little bit of healthy

                                                        TRACKERS                           SMART WATCHES
                    ALL TRACKERS AND
                    SMARTWATCHES HAVE
                    Steps & Distance
                    SmartTrack auto exercise recognition
                    Reminders to move
                    Silent alarms
                    Interchangeable accessories
                    Touch screen
                                            Inspire      Inspire HR      Charge 3       Versa Lite        Versa
                    Clock faces
                    Compatible with:
                    Apple, Windows, Android  Easy to use sleep and   Easy to use sleep and   Advanced activity   An everyday   An advanced
                                            activity tracker  activity tracker with   tracker & sleep tracker   smartwatch   smartwatch with music
                                                          heart rate tracking  with 7 day battery      and NFC payments
                    HEALTH FEATURES
                    All Day Activity            ✓              ✓              ✓              ✓               ✓
                    Sleep Tracking              ✓              ✓              ✓              ✓               ✓
                    Calories Burned             ✓              ✓              ✓              ✓               ✓
                    Female Health Tracking      ✓              ✓              ✓              ✓               ✓
                    Guided Breathing            -              ✓              ✓              ✓               ✓
                    FITNESS FEATURES            ✓ -            ✓              ✓              ✓               ✓
                    Water-resistant to 50m
            echnology  24/7 Heart Rate Tracking  ✓ - - - - -  Via phone     Via phone      Via phone      Via phone
                    15+ Exercise Modes
                    Cardio Fitness Level
                    On-Screen Workouts
                    GPS Tracking
                    SMART FEATURES
                    Apps for weather, sport & more
                    Notifi cations
            Business T  Stores & Play's Music  5 days        5 days          7 days        4+ days         4+ days
                    Fitbit Pay
                    Battery Life
                                                                                      challenges and encourage each other along
                            Inspire Black
                   FB03316t  Description       Pack  £55.12 J                         By syncing devices together, you can set
                   FB03326t  Inspire HR Black  Each  £70.87 J                         the way, helping to make exercising fun!
                   FB03461t  Inspire HR White  Each  £70.87 J                         Fitbit technology can continuously measure
                   FB03092t  Charge 3 Black/Graphite  Each  £102.37 J                 and analyse the health data from a person’s
                   FB03096t  Charge 3 Blue/Grey/Rose Gold Each  £102.37 J
                                                                                      everyday life, it allows people to have an
                   FB03404t  Versa Lite White  Each  £118.12 J
                   FB02904t  Versa Black       Each  £157.50 J                        in-depth look into their wellbeing and health
                   FB02910t  Versa Grey        Each  £157.50 J                        giving them a greater sense of awareness.
                                                      Call us on 0345 22 22 444
                                                                                                        Extended delivery times may apply.▲
               All prices exclude VAT. E & OE                                     Special delivery requirements may apply and/or be subject to additional returns conditions.✪
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