Page 755 - Workwear 2020-Copy_compressed(1)_Neat
P. 755

CAPS    755


                                   10594 Long Beach Cap
                                   100% heavy brushed cotton.
                                   Pre-formed contrast sandwich peak.
                                   Four embroidered eyelets.
                                   Size adjuster with metal buckle.

                                    black  black/red  white  french navy  french navy/

                                    denim  royal blue  royal blue/white  bottle green  kelly green/
                                   lime green  army/beige  chocolate/  dark grey/light  dark grey/
                                               beige  grey  orange
                                    beige  burgundy  red  red/white
                                    orange  gold


                                   88100 Buffalo Cap
                                   100% thick brushed cotton.
                                   6 panel.
                                   Six ventilation eyelets.
                                   Contrast sandwich peak on certain colours.
                                   Size adjuster with metal buckle.

                                     black  black/  black/red  black/yellow  white
                                         royal blue
                                   white/navy  french navy  french navy/  french navy/  denim
                                               white  neon orange
                                    royal blue  royal blue/  royal blue/  turquoise blue/  bright sky
                                         white  neon coral  white
                                   dark purple  army/beige  bottle green  kelly green/  lime green
                                    camo  dark grey/  grey/orange  pure grey  beige
                                         light grey
                                   chocolate/  burgundy  red  red/white  pink/white
                                     orange  gold


                                   BB65 Pro-Style Heavy Brushed
                                   Cotton Cap
                                   100% heavy brushed cotton drill.
                                   6 panel.
                                   Stitched ventilation eyelets.
                                   Pre-curved peak.
                                   Contrasts have two tone sandwich peak.
                                   Self fabric strap with tri-glide buckle.

                                     black  white  french navy  fr. navy/stone  bright royal

                                    forest green  graphite grey  stone  stone/  classic red                      HEADWEAR

        HEADWEAR-1.indd   755                                                                                     07/11/2019   15:59
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