Page 12 - filosofia2 proyecto2
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Hobbes entendía que así como el impulso mecánico y el choque son los factores
determinantes del movimiento de los objetos físicos, así en la vida social lo son la utilidad
y el apetito de poder.
Sarah Lock. (2012). Pensamiento de Hobbes. 13 de marzo 2018, Sitio web:
Fuente: Pensamiento de Thomas Hobbes
1. Tracts of Mr. Thomas Hobbs of Malmsbury : Containing I. Behemoth, the history
of the causes of the civil wars of England, from 1640. to 1660. printed from the
author's own copy: never printed (but with a thousand faults) before. II. An answer
to Arch-bishop Bramhall's book, called the Catching of the Leviathan: never
printed before. III. An historical narration of heresie, and the punishment thereof:
corrected by the true copy. IV. Philosophical problems, dedicated to the King in
1662. but never printed before, 1682
2. Volver arriba↑ Vita carmine expressa, (1679) in T. Hobbes, Opera Latina, edited
by William Molesworth, London, 1839, vol. I, p. lxxxvi.
3. Volver arriba↑ Jacobson, Norman (1987). «Review of Thomas Hobbes: Radical in
the Service of Reaction». Political Psychology 8 (3): 469-
471. doi:10.2307/3791051. Consultado el 2018-01-16.
4. Volver arriba↑ «Hertford College | University of Oxford».
Consultado el 2018-01-16.
5. Volver arriba↑ «Hobbes biography». Consultado el