Page 14 - Pune Cricket Blitz
P. 14

MATCH NO. 9                                                                                                            MATCH NO. 10                                                    CriCket: win or

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Lose, take equaLLy

          Seeing the first match on this ground Cognizant to   crease and put the accelerator to the HSBC inning,                On 12th November 2017 10th Match between Springer Nature and Syntel this match was always
          elected to bowl first by now somehow ground was      when dhaval was looking set to score big he was                   interesting as this is in between two sides which are more or less in same weight. Syntel won the
          got settled a bit the moisture which was there In the   plumb out to aayush in middle of the middle stump,             toss here and elected to bowl first to get the benefit of early morning dew. Where Pankaj has
          morning is now not going to be there so it will be   Nikhil was on ground with Shashank and was                        provided Syntel early wicket by removing Rahul in very first over itself but then piyush
          interesting to see whether the decision of cognizant   not trying to hit big but tried to give more strike
          will be the right decision or not                    to shashank and in no time he has consumed 10                     patil and vaibhav have put their foot forward to and played out of their skins to not let
                                                                                                                                 their team down where vaibhav was playing much cautiously and when he was looking set
          HSBC is not having their last year’s best performer   deliveries for his four runs which has put more                  to up the tempo he was cleaned up by beautiful delivery from Prashant Shendge, after fall
          Vilakshan in there team so how combination will      pressure on sashank and also on nikhil who was out
          be of the HSBC will be interested, watching puneet   at crucial juncture to abhinav kalia we can call this             of second wicket springer nature was in needed someone to hit big and they have given
          bowling is always a wonderful feeling and puneet     wicket as blessing in disguise for HSBC as Basavraj               this responsibility to Avinash and by this time Piyush was also started to score at
             has started bowling first over for cognizant,     was on crease and he has hit one over the rope big                brisk pace. Avinash was aware that anything below 160 will be deficult to depend
                he has started with accurate line & length     hit and and a boundary before his partner shashank                for his team so he has also started with piyush and hit 3 boundaries in his 17
                   and was bowling on the toe and got the      got out in last over trying to score big, Anchal does             runs from 13 deliveries where he has tried to hit big and was foxed by the
                     wicket on 5th ball of his first over      not have to much to play and at the end of the                    bowler. After fall of 3rd wicket captain Pramod taken the responsibility               Springer
                        soon both the openers was in hut       inning HSBC was 123/8, they must be missing their                 on his shoulder to handle the situation but before he could do                          Nature
                           and Navid and Jay have the big      last year start performer Vilakshan.                              anything he was out on 8 runs from 9 deliveries, after that no
          Cognizant           responsibility to settle the     Cognizant started their inning cautiously as they                 one was able to give the support to Piyush he wanted and in                                 Vs
                                                               know key over here is wicket and not runs at the
                                 nerves and game, where
               Vs                   Navid & Jay both fall      moment and if they are able to keep the strike                    the hurry he has thrown away his wicket in the form of                                   Syntel
             HSBC                      on 15 individual        rotating they are having power hitters in their                   run out. At the end of the inning springer nature was
                                                               team who can finish the inning even if they are
                                          runs Dhavan
                                                                                                                                 quite happy that they have got the score of 159
                                             and shashank      chasing around 8 or 9 an over in last 5-6 overs,                  which is good score to defend on this track.
                                                both came      digvijay after hitting one six became bit greedy and
                                                   on the      gifted his wicket in 4th over after which Kounain                 While in reply Syntel started slightly better
                                                               and Prathmesh, started to rotate the strike but                   than their counter part but soon both the
                                                               Prathmesh’s woes continues as he is getting starts                openers are undone by the JP Shirole, after fall
                                                               but not getting big scores, he is having the potential            of both the openers sabir and Akshay started to
                                                               but was not able to convert the small inning into                 score runs where akshay has taken the role of defender
                                                               40’s &50’s, then the last match hero and hurricane                while sabir was aggressor in his inning both of them have
                                                               Vaibhav came to bat and in blink of eyes he has
                                                               scored 38 runs from 68/2 in 9.3 overs Cognizant                   got good start and created the launching pad for themselves
                                                               won the match by 1st ball of the 15th Over, vaibhav               but when time came for launching the missile both of them got
                                                               in his cameo hit as much as 4 sixes and 2 boundaries              crashed. There after Syntel send their most powerful tsunami who
                                                               whereas Kounain on the other hand stitched his                    has taken match away from springer nature Mr. Rajat kaul who have hit
                                                               wonderful 42 runs inning from 31 deliveries which                 3 sixes in his small knock of 29 runs from 15 deliveries. Springer nature was
                                                               include 7 boundaries
                                                                                                                                 again back in game after that wicket and swiped 3 more wickets when prashant
                                                                  Nipun Sharma was given Nimble I man of the                     who has bowled wonderful spell came to the rescue of Syntel and started scoring
                                                                     Match for his wonderful bowling performance                 boundaries at one stage it was looking Springer Natures game when they have got the
                                                                        where he has taken 2 wickets in 4 overs                  9th wicket but they were 1 wicket away and sanket has completed the win for his team
                                                                           giving away just 17 Runs.
                                                                                                                                 with 2 boundaries in 3 balls he has faced. It was kind of seesaw match changing almost every
                                                                                                                                 over but at the end Syntel manages to win this game.
                                              bringing out                                                                       Prashant was awarded with MOM for this match for his 21 not out from 13 deliveries in helping his

                                              the best                                                                           team getting over line after losing 9 wickets he has shown the great temperament and he has also bowled
                                                                                                                                 well in first inning where he got the wicket of Vaibhav and taken the wicket in field in terms of run out of the
                                                                                                                                 most successful batsman in both the innings together Piyush patil
                                               in eaCh other

          Pune Cricket Blitz  |  November 2017                                                               14                  Pune Cricket Blitz  |  November 2017                                                               15
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