Page 22 - Inbound Logistics | April 2017 | Digital Issue
P. 22


        PRO FILE                                                                as told to Karen M. Kroll

                                           Valerie Young: 2020 Vision

                                               AM RESPONSIBLE FOR 3M’s SUPPLY CHAIN BUSINESS
                                               transformation effort. We’re redefining our planning
                                          I model,  manufacturing systems, and logistics  and
                                           distribution models. For instance, how do we more effectively
                                           receive a customer order? How do we conduct demand,
                                           supply, and production planning?

                                             Previously, when 3M invested in a   One area of focus is regionalizing
                                           country, we went deep. We invested in   supply chains with Centers of Expertise
                                           sales, manufacturing, and research and   (COEs) to reduce complexity and
                                           development, and got a real sense of   amplify operational impact. Our
                                           market activity. We then created prod-  newest, largest, and most capable
                                           ucts to meet that market need.    center is the EMEA (Europe, Middle
                                             That strategy was effective for   East, and Africa) COE in Switzerland.
                                           decades. But today, we’re asking if we   During its four years of operation, we’ve
        Valerie Young  is vice president   can look across countries to reduce   improved safety performance, quality,
        of global supply chain services    complexity and right-size supply chains.  and efficiency with Lean Six Sigma
        and operations with 3M. She has
        held this position since 2016.     We’re doing this to better serve our   savings of up to 85 percent.
                                           markets and customers, improve ser-  We’re also looking hard at our
        RESPONSIBILITIES :                 vice and cost efficiency, and free cash   distribution and plant footprint. Are
        Driving global supply chain strategy,   flow conversion.             we set up for the future? We’re still
        regionalizing supply chains, leveraging
        disruptive technology, and harmonizing
        global processes for improved service,
        inventory position, and productivity.  The Big Questions
        EXPERIENCE :
        Director of manufacturing and supply   When you’re not at work,     system. His book made me ask how
        chain, business services director, Lean   what do you like to do?   I can have the same impact.
        Six Sigma director, vice president of   Ski with my family. The grandeur
        international supply chain, all with 3M.  of the mountains grounds me. You   If you had $1 million to start
        EDUCATION :                           realize you’re pretty small in the   a philanthropic effort, what
                                                                            would you do?
        B.A., Business Administration, St.    whole scheme of things.
        Catherine University, St. Paul, Minn.,                              Food pantries support many in our
        1984.                                 If you could have dinner with   community. However, some have
                                              anyone in the world, who      an overage of food that might go
                                              would you choose?             in the garbage, while others don’t
                                              Bryan Stevenson, author of Just   have enough food. I’d create a
                                              Mercy, and director of the Equal   stronger network for sharing food–
                                              Justice initiative. Not only did he   another way supply chain can
                                              impact individual lives, he impacted  improve lives.
                                              a community and the justice

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