Page 60 - Inbound Logistics | April 2017 | Digital Issue
P. 60
The company’s fleet incorporates subsidiaries ship more than 400 million Meszaros notes that many Alaskan busi-
special navigation tools that allow it to pounds of freight to Alaska, Hawaii, and nesses lack the volume needed to justify
safely fly in areas, such as the moun- Puerto Rico. In addition to shipments to the cost of dock-high delivery doors that
tainous southeastern region of Alaska, southcentral Alaska, the company offers would allow the trailer to back up to a
where some other operators might not overnight service from Anchorage to door that’s level with the truck back.
be able to. That’s key when the plane Fairbanks and the Kenai Peninsula. It Instead, Span Alaska unloads using
is carrying perishable food stuffs. “A also provides LTL service from Seattle liftgate service, which is lower to the
plane cannot circle in the air because to southeast Alaska via barge. ground. “These are just some of the
it’s unable to land,” Berry says. “We can Span Alaska works with almost all value-add services we offer,” he adds.
get in consistently, safely, and on time.” industries, except food, handling a
Moreover, because Alaska Air also range of products, from those headed Lead Time Challenges
serves cities across the United States, for retailers’ shelves, to those used on Keeping freight moving accurately
suppliers can move goods from the construction projects. The company and on time is critical when serving
mainland to the 49th state, all via the prides itself on quality service. “There’s Alaska, given the lead time required to
same carrier. “They can ship fresh nothing we won’t do for clients,” move goods from the rest of the coun-
flowers from Florida to Alaska on one Meszaros says. try to the state. Ocean shipments from
airline,” Berry says. “This brings the For instance, if a customer doesn’t Seattle/Tacoma, the nearest large met-
state of Alaska much closer to the rest have enough product to create a full ropolitan area on the mainland, take
of the country.” shipment, Span Alaska will consolidate four days. Once in Alaska, unloading
freight until it does. Many other freight the barge takes another day. “A con-
Connections Within Alaska companies simply bring in products and tractor in California who needs building
Another firm with a long history of then ship them out immediately, which materials can pick up the phone and
connecting cities within Alaska to each can boost costs, he adds. have the shipment there in one hour,”
other, and Alaska to other parts of the Meszaros and his team notify cus- Meszaros notes. “A contractor in Alaska
world, is Span Alaska, which became tomers if their freight arrives damaged has to wait one week.”
a Matson Logistics subsidiary in 2016. and check whether Span Alaska should To serve its customers and help them
“We are one of the largest less-than- refuse the product. He and his team streamline their inventory, Span Alaska
truckload (LTL) carriers throughout members also call ahead before deliv- works hard to ensure that its shipments
the state,” says Bill Meszaros, vice pres- eries. While other companies do this as travel efficiently and on time. Its drivers
ident, sales and marketing, with Span well, they often charge for the service. know how to move safely even in bad
Alaska. Based in Auburn, Wash., Span “We don’t,” Meszaros says. “It’s part of weather. Snow or ice might prompt
Alaska operates terminals in Anchorage, our value-add service.” drivers to slow down, but they still ven-
Fairbanks, Kenai, Kodiak, and Wasilla. Especially important in Alaska, ture out. “Alaska is no different than any
Each year, Span Alaska and its Span Alaska offers lift-gate deliveries. other northern state,” Meszaros says.
Span Alaska Transportation specializes in moving freight to, from, and within Alaska, offering daily LTL and LCL service.
58 Inbound Logistics • April 2017