P. 234

from Arabic and other languages from       Seven hundred and eighty-one years                 continued to strengthen in line with the   tamwan manawa yang wala dua laksa
                                          the Islamic world. The ingress of these    Dzulhijjah fourteen, Friday                        emergence of Islam in the socio-political   dangang-ko
                                          foreign languages elements meant the                                                          and intellectual discourses in various    dua ratus sapulu dua wanyaknya
                                          introduction of new concepts in the        The believer King (varda) God’s grace              regions of Indonesia.                     datang di mata ya
                                          Malay language, such as those related      Barubha family possess the rights,
                                          to religion, philosophy, and new social    Kedah and Pasai                                    The Munye Tujoh inscription differs from   sukhan tita di pancami suklapaksa
                                          systems. 3                                                                                    the Kedukan Bukit inscription of the      wulang...
                                                                                     Having a shoot.... all the world                   Kingdom of Sriwijaya because the latter
                                          The Munye Tujoh inscription in Pasai is                                                       uses the Sanskrit language and Pallawa    laghu mudita dalam marwuat wanua...
                                          an interesting illustration in this respect.   O God the Lord, the Lord of all                script. Similarly, unlike the Munye Tujoh   sriwijaya siddhayatra shubuksa....
                                          It is an inscription on the tombstone of a   Put in Paradise, our Lord. 4                     inscription that belongs to the religious
                                          princess dated Friday Dhu al-Hijjah 14,                                                       domain, the inscriptions of the Sriwijaya   The translation is roughly as follows:
                                          1389 A.H. or 791 A.D.It reads as follows:  From this inscription it appears that Arab-                                                  Peace be upon you! In 605 Saka day
                                                                                  Islamic words and expressionsdominate.                era generally record key events, such
                                             Hijrat nabi mungstapa yang           The following terms clearly showArab-                 as the opening of new regencies or the    Eleventh in the moonlit of Waishaka
                                             prasaddha                            Islamic influence: “Hijrah Nabi” (the                 establishment of new cities. In contrast   His Majesty the King rides
                                             Tujuh ratus asta puluh savarssa      Prophet’s migration), “Dzulhijjah” (the               to Islamic inscriptions that contain a Sufi
                                                                                  month of the pilgrimage), “Rahmat Allah”              dimension, the Sriwijaya inscriptions     in the boat to make earnings on the
                                             Hajji catur dan dasa vara sukra      (Divine blessing), and “Ilahi ya Rabbi” (O            were greatly influenced by Hindu-         seventh day
                                             Raja iman (varda) rahmatallah        God the Lord). Malay words of Sanskrit                Buddhist traditions in which the king was   In the light of the moon in the Jyesta
                                                                                  origin are also still used next toArabic              believed to be an incarnation of the gods.
                                             Gutra bha(ru)bha sa(ng) mpu hak      expressions, though those Malay words                                                           month, He
                                             kadah pase ma                                                                              Here is a quote from the Kedukan Bukit
                                                                                  are closer to the Malay language of the               inscription from the Sriwijaya period,    Departed from the Estuary of...
                                             Tarukk tasih tanah samuha            following centuries.  The text shows                  which was written in Pallawa script and   Tamban bringing an army of twenty
                                             Ilahi ya rabbi tuhan samuha          that the influence of Sanskrit had been               dated 605 Caka = 683 AD:                  thousand
                                                                                  declining and that it was being replaced
                                             Taruh dalam svargga tuhan tatuha     by Arab-Islamic languages. This process                 swasti sri warsatita 605 su             Men ... two hundred in numberswere
                                             The translation of the upajati poetry is   4.  Imran T. Abdullah. “Bahasa Melayu: Lingua     suklapaksa wulan waisakha dapunta       employed in the boat
                                             as follows:                          Franca Islam”, in Taufik Abdullah dan A.B.              hyang nayk di                           Men who came walkingwere one
                                                                                  Lapian (ed.), Indonesia dalam Arus Sejarah,
                                             The migration of the Chosen Prophet,   (Jakarta: Ichtiar Baru van  Hoeve, 2012), Jilid III:   samwan manalap siddhayatra di          thousand three hundred and twelve in
                                                                                  Kedatangan dan Peradaban Islam, p. 236.
                                             who passed away                                                                              saptami suklapaksa                      number
                                                                                  5.  Imran T. Abdullah. “Bahasa Melayu: Lingua
                                          3. Chamamah-Soeratno, dkk. Memahami Karya-  Franca Islam”, in Taufik Abdullah dan A.B. Lapian   wulan jyesta dapunta hyang marlapas     Came to greet the King with joy
                                          Karya Nuruddin ar-Raniri, (Jakarta: Depdikbud,   (ed.), Indonesia dalam Arus Sejarah, ….., pp. 236-
                                          1982), pp. 66-8.                        237.                                                    dari minanga                            The fifth day of the bright...

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