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but even himself became attracted to   (a story on the Prophet Muhammad’s   Malay world and it was probably written   and are they eternal therein?” On this   The book by Pocut
 the study of Sufism. Consequently, he   ascension to heavens to receive the   in 1534. Based on the version in Latin   issue, Malacca’s Sultan Mansur Shah   Haslinda about Silsilah
 wanted Maulana Abu Ishak’s book to be   obligation of the five prayers) , and   script edited by A.H. Hill,  the content   sent Tun Bija Wangsa to Samudera   Raja-Raja Islam di
 translated into Malay so that it could be a   Hikayat Nabi Wafat (the story of the   of Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai can be   Pasai to look for the answer. The ruler   Aceh Hubungannya
 Prophet’s death). All those stories are
                                                                                            Dengan Raja-Raja Islam
          divided into three parts: (1) from the early
 source for the study of Islam in Malacca.  translations and adaptations of texts   establishment of Samudera Pasai until   of Pasai ordered Makhdum Muda to   Melayu Nusantara (The
                                                 prepare the answers to these questions
 For that purpose, Sultan Mansur Shah   containing the same stories in Persian.    Sultan Ahmad ascended to the throne;   and they took the answers to Malacca   Geneology of Moslem
 sent the book to Pasai to be translated.   Along with the translations of these   (2) the reign of Sultan Ahmad and the   where Sultan Mansur Shah praised   Kings of Aceh and their
                                                                                            Relationship with the
 stories, other texts contain Islamic epics
 The ruler in Samudera Pasai ordered a   such as the Hikayat Iskandar Zulkarnain,   story of his son, Tun Beraim Bapa; and   Makhdum Muda’s answers.  Moslem Kings of Melayo-
          (3) the story of Princess Gemerencang,
 cleric, Makhdum Patakan, to carry out   Hikayat Amir Hamzah, and Hikayat   a daughter of the King of Majapahit who   This story is an illustration of Samudera   Nusantara)
 the Sultan of Malacca’s request and after   Muhammad Hanafiah. These stories   fell in love with Tun Abdul Jalil, a son   Pasai’s vital role in the Islamization   Source: Directorate of
 he had acquitted himself of this task, the   were also translated from Persian into   of Sultan Ahmad, and subsequently   process in the Malay-Indonesian world,   History and Cultural
 book was returned to Malacca. Sultan   Malay in Samudera Pasai. 11  Majapahit’s victory over Pasai. 13  and simultaneously of the development   Values, Ministry of
 Mansur Shah was delighted when he   In addition to these stories, another   The important position of Samudera   of the Malay language into a medium   Education and Culture
                                                 of religious expression, in addition to its
 received the translation of the book and   text that has significance within the   Pasai in Islamic studies can also be seen   use for diplomacy and trade. Thus, it is   of the Republic of
 he showed the translation to the book’s   development of literature in Samudera   from a story from the Sejarah Melayu.   clear that in the 14  and 15  centuries   Indonesia
 author, Maulana Abu Ishak.  Pasai is the literary history of the   It was told that people often turned to   Samudera Pasai was an important
 kingdom itself, the Hikayat Raja-Raja   Samudera Pasai to addressing key
 Other remarkable texts include various   Pasai (the Story of the Pasai Kings). This   issues and controversies in religious   center of Malay culture and from where
 stories concerning the life of the Prophet   text is the oldest historical work in the   matters. One of these issues was related   the development of Islam and the Malay
                                                 language continued and reached many
 Muhammad such as the Hikayat Nur   9. See Th.C. van der Meij and N. Lambooij (edited   to the theological question about the   areas in Indonesia. This development
 Muhammad (containing a story of the   and translated), The Malay Hikayat Mi‘rāj Nabi   nature of hell and heaven along with   reached its peak in 16  and 17  centuries
 Muḥammad. The Prophet Muḥammad’s Nocturnal
 prophet Muhammad since the early   Journey to Heaven and Hell (Leiden: Brill).  the contents of both realms: “What do   Aceh. However, before entering the
 emanative process of the world’screation   10.  T. Iskandar, Kesustraan Klasik Melayu   the heavens consist of, are they forever   discussion on the reign of the Kingdom
          therein; what are the contents of Hell,
 from his light), Hikayat Bulan Berbelah   Sepanjang Abad,….., pp. 119-123.  12.  A.H. Hill, (ed.), “Hikayat Raja-Raja Pasai”,   of Aceh, some other important linguistic
 (contains the story ofthe Prophet   11. L.F. Brakel, The Hikayat Muhammad Hanafiyyah   JMBRAS 33, 1960, pp. 1-165.  elements will be discussed first.
 (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1975) and L.F.
 Muhammad’s miracle in splitting the   Brakel, The Story of Muhammad Hanafiyyah (The   13.  T. Iskandar, Kesustraan Klasik Melayu   Pre-Classical Malay: the
          Sepanjang Abad, ……, p. 153-157. See also, R.O.
 Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1977). See also Iskandar,
 moon), Hikayat Nabi Bercukur (tells   Kesustraan Klasik Melayu Sepanjang Abad, …..,   Winstedt, A history of classical Malay literature,   Development in the 15 Century
 the story of the shaving of the Prophet   p. 127-153. See also, Vladimir Braginsky, The   (New York etc.: Oxford University Press, 1969), p.   14.  T. Iskandar, Kesustraan Klasik Melayu
 heritage of traditional Malay literature (Leiden:
          105-106, andVladimir Braginsky, The heritage of
 Muhammad’s hair), Hikayat Nabi Mi’raj   KITLV Press, 2004), pp. 180-183.  traditional Malay literature, pp. 136-139.  Sepanjang Abad, ……, pp. 102-103.
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