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The establishment of the Indonesian   mid-1920s, the colonial government   cooperative attitude in order to achieve   speeches. Some teachers affiliated
 Islamic Party (Partai Islam Indonesia,   suspected people who were involved   the ideals of Islamic nobility teaching   to Permi were not permitted to teach.
 PII) in 1937 had weakened SI’s   in politics and Muchtar went abroad to   and Indonesian independence. The   Conditions were getting worse when
 position further within the Indonesian   circumventarrest. After settling in Malaya   party was strongly against capitalism   Permi leading figures such as Muchtar
 nationalist movement. In 1938, the SI   (present day Malaysia) he decided to   and imperialism as they had caused   Lutfi, Iljas Jakub and Djalaludin Thaib
 merged with other Islamic organizations   continue his trip and to go to Egypt. Lack   the suffering of the Indonesian people.   were exiled to Digul in Papua. Prior to
 into the Majelis Islam A’la Indonesia   of funds brought a halt to his education   Therefore, the only way to elevate the   the Japanese occupation, the Dutch
 (Indonesian Islamic High Assembly,   in Egypt and he decided to join Hizb al-  dignity of the Indonesian people was to   government moved them to Australia
 MIAI), which became the forerunner of   Wathan’s activities. Here he got political   attain Indonesian Independence. Permi   but after Independence they returned
 the establishment of the Majelis Syura   experiences and strengthened his desire   members were convinced of the ideals of   to Indonesia. Muchtar Lutfi settled
 Muslimin Indonesia (Indonesian Muslims   to contribute further to the national   independence and they continued to fight   in Makassar, while Iljas Jakub and
 Consultative Assembly, Masjumi).  struggle in Indonesia. 20  for Independence through their political   Djalaluddin Thaib returned to the
          activities. However Permi continued its   Minangkabau. 22
 Partai Muslimin Indonesia  The return of Jakub and Muchtar to   activities in education by establishing an
 Minangkabau coincided with the decline          Partai Islam Indonesia
 The Partai Muslimin Indonesia (the   of the Thawalib School because of   Islamic College in Padang in 1931. The
 Indonesian Muslims’ Party) abbreviated   disagreements between its teachers after   party was also engaged in economic   The Partai Islam Indonesia (Indonesian
 Permi was established in Minangkabau   it had become influenced by communism.   activities in order to meet its members’   Islamic Party, PII) was founded because
 in 1930 by Hadji Iljas Jakub. Shortly   The Thawalib School saw a revival after   needs based on the swadeshi principle   Muslim activists had been disappointed
 after its establishment, Haji Muchtar   communist activities in Minangkabau   by way of emphasizing business efforts.   with the internal conflicts within Partai
 Lutfi joined the party to strengthen it.   had been suppressed. The two politically   Permi opened branches in Central   Sarekat Islam. In 1930, Partai Sarekat
 Iljas received his religious education in   experienced young men who both had   Sumatra, Bengkulu, Tapanuli, East   Islam changed its name into Partai
 Mecca and further pursued his studies   just returned from Egypt re-energized   Kalimantan and Aceh and the people in   Sarekat Islam Indonesia (Indonesian
 at a university in Egypt. He gained much   the political spirit in Sumatra. Permi was   Sumatra saw it as an alternative when   Islamic Union Party, PSII). The SI
 political experience by his interaction with   established based on their observations   the Sarekat Islam went through periods   had been split into several smaller
 Hizb al-Wathan, a political party in Egypt   of how the SI developed in Java, which   of decline.  factions such as the Awareness Group
 founded by Mustafa Kamil and he was   had become polarized between Islamists   Given Permi’s non-cooperative program   and the Truth Committee of the PSII.
 often present in the party’s discussions   and nationalist factions. Therefore, Permi   and its critical attitude towards the   Tjokroaminoto and Agus Salim, who had
 and meetings. Indonesian and Malay   tried to combine both ideologies that, in a   colonial government, the Dutch closely   replaced Moeis, had health problems
 students in Egypt highly respected him   Muslim individual, are inseparable. 21  monitored many Permi leaders. Several   and therefore were no longer active. In
 because he was the deputy chairman   female members like Fatimah Hatta,   1933, changes had been made to the
 of the Jami’at al-Khairiyah. Haji Muchtar   In general, Permi adopted a non-  Ratna Sari, Rasuna Said and Rasimah   party’s structure and its foundation and
 Lutfi was the son of a respected ‘alim   20. Noer. Gerakan Modern ..., p. 171.  Ismail were detained for ten days in   the central leadership was divided into
 from Bukittinggi, Haji Abdul Latif. In the   21. Deliar Noer. Gerakan Modern ..., p. 172.  Semarang because of their radical   22. Noer. Gerakan Modern ..., p. 174.

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