Page 6 - Reverse_Mortgage_Loan_Retirement_Planner
P. 6

Ways to use a

                               reverse mortgage for
                               retirement planning

     “Using a reverse          There are three main ways
     mortgage to delay
     taking Social             a reverse mortgage loan
     Security  is a very       can be used to help provide
     powerful tool.            additional retirement
     Determining when to
     take Social Security      security.
     is probably one of
     the most important
     decisions a retiree       1.   Delay Social Security benefits and
     makes because it’s        let investments grow
     lifetime income.
     So, if you can use        Using this approach, a reverse
     reverse mortgage          mortgage loan is established at the
     proceeds to delay         outset of retirement and drawn upon
     taking Social
     Security benefits         every year to provide retirement income
     for as long as            until exhausted, allowing the retiree’s
     possible, that may        investment portfolio, such as a 401(k)
     provide you               plan, more time to grow. Subsequent
     with greater monthly      withdrawals are then made from the
                               portfolio. This strategy also enables
                               the retiree to delay accessing Social
                               Security benefits, thereby increasing
                               their monthly payments later in life.

                               1 This example is based on a loan with a monthly
                               adjusting variable rate feature, a borrower age 62 and an
      Barbara                  annual percentage rate of 14.693%. There are no liens
                               on the property to pay off, or set asides for repairs, taxes,
      Howard                   or insurance. Proceeds will be affected by the appraisal
                               and costs associated with obtaining the loan. The APR
                               may be increased after consummation.  Social Security
      Professor,               benefits calculator from
      Gerontology              retirement/social-security-benefits-calculator.aspx
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