Page 69 - NACC – 2018 Yearbook
P. 69

                                                Nice to meet you
Residents and clients are at the heart of what we do. We’re all motivated by a desire to improve their lives through positive mealtime experiences. Some of them have shared with us what food and mealtimes mean to them.
The residents of Willow Court Breakfast
I regard breakfast as the most important meal of the day and I always like to have porridge in the morning.
A cup of tea is all I want in the morning – oh, and those delicious little pastry yum yums!
My favourite breakfast is our Bistro Club on Wednesday mornings, when we have pain au chocolat, pecan pastries, cappuccino, latte, and fruit like melon or strawberries.
I regard breakfast in bed as a luxury, but I don’t have it often. I think having breakfast in bed means that you are poorly.
Eating o  your lap is for modern times. When I was younger we always sat at the table.
My father was Italian and an ice cream maker. We used to live by the sea and my Dad used to make the ice cream at our house and then sell it on the beach.
During the war we lived on the basics. We grew our own vegetables and potatoes, and bought meat. We had steamed puddings, which we cooked, and we kept chickens for the eggs.
Most families would have the same meals on the same days every week.
In my mining village, we had our own chickens and a pig – everyone had one. We used all of the parts of the pig, including trotters, hearts, brains and tongue. We had no stu ng, that was really sophisticated. There was no waste.
We had bread and dripping on a Sunday. Dripping was a luxury. It was a bit like butter. Up North, we used to have a Yorkshire pudding as a starter to  ll us up as we were a bit poor.
                                What do you think of modern food?
I wouldn’t trust what’s in modern food. It’s quicker and easier to cook though. When I was little my grandmother used to cook food from the garden and that is what I like.
Young people rush around these days and they don’t have time to eat. They are too busy.
Food at Willow Court
Tomatoes here don’t taste like the ones you can get in Italy. They taste forced.
Modern spicy food is not nice. I don’t like too much spice as it gives me indigestion.
            I really like the old-fashioned food. Stews and casseroles are a hit with me.
My favourite is home-cooked  sh and chips. We have it on a Friday and I love it. You can’t beat a Sunday roast and we have it with all the trimmings.
I miss cooking for myself, so I really love it when we bake cakes here.
I thank you for your very hard work in achieving such high standards.
I look forward to the meals I receive each day. I’ve never been disappointed. It’s a good healthy balanced diet here with sugar and salt in moderation. The range of desserts is also excellent.

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