Page 55 - Unit 2: Pavement Material
P. 55

Civil Engineering Department  | DCC3113 : Highway & Traffic Engineering

  AC Mix                           Calculate the optimum bitumen content

           Determination of optimum asphalt content using the test results pertaining to a Marshall trial
           mix with different asphalt contents (i.e. evaluation of a trial mix), is illustrated in the following

           Following  are  the  test  results  pertaining  to  a  Marshall  trial  mix  with  different  bitumen

                   Bitumen             Density                             Flow         Air voids In         VFB         VMA

                   content             (kg/m )       Stability (kN)        (mm)           Total Mix           (%)         (%)
                      4.5                2325              9.8              2.6              6.0             63.0         16.5
                      5.0                2380              9.9               3.1             4.0             75.0         16.0
                      5.5                2380              8.6              3.5              3.5             79.0         17.0

                      6.0                2345               7.6             3.7              3.0             83.0         18.0
                      6.5                2320               6.2             4.6               2.5            85.0         19.0

           Plot the test results and find the optimum bitumen content to meet suggested requirements
           for a surface course (12.5 mm or ½ inch aggregate) for a medium-traffic area.

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          Prepared by : SITI ZURAIFA BINTI MD SAH,
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