Page 17 - 67_PBC to Begg Addendum_31-10-16 (24pp)
P. 17

re: Entryphone - they will require entry to your flat - Suggest you call Entryphone direct on 020 8870 8635 to make a suitable appointment.
Mrs Hillgarth’s reply on 16 September:
As Managing Agent it’s your duty to solve the Entryphone.
As for keys and your invoice they are 2 different. Please do not mix what is not to be mixed.
Have the keys available and they will be paid for despite the fact that when we met on the 9 September you said you don’t need to pay.
Also, Flat 9 in close contact and collusion with Mrs Hillgarth received this email from me on 29 September 2014, having exact same reference to Mrs Hillgarth’s “cherry-picking” her preferred payments (the keys) as opposed to her arrears (£2000 etc)
Diego -
I have better things to do that sit around waiting for replies.
Management are not interested in just doing those items that lessees deem important, for their benefit, such as the Water Tank.
You are in arrears with the £2000 - you've stated you do not want the Communal TV Sky+ HD set-up as per email this morning, admittedly not from you but from Mrs.
As we have advised Michele, you cannot just cherry-pick those items you deem fit to pay - you either pay all, or nothing and we will proceed with the relevant Section 20 Notices.
Your concern is of your tenants. My concern is of the reserves.
I hope that's clear - I'm not interested in who you think might pay - again, as indicated to Michele, you and she (or rather Mrs) started these problems and you can now fix them. Not Management, as we've done out bit.
All or nothing and all is the £2000, the Tank monies and the Communal install. By the week-end latest from all lessees not just Flats 2, 6 and 7 and you with the Tank contribution. You're snookered like Management were with the non payments of £2000 to match ours - you're now in the same boat as I previously indicated.
Get out and row and get everyone else to pay their dues...
and followed it up with another email same day 29th September 2014:
Diego -
Give me your bank details as I'm returning your Water Tank contribution along with those of Flats 2, 6 and 7.
I will also be advising all residents, both sub-let tenants and live-in residents of the caution regarding the tank water to bathrooms whilst we proceed with the usual Section 20 taking 3 - 4 months, by which time somebody could per- ish -
One hopes, one presumes your tenants will continue to pay their rent - I wouldn't and my bet is, if you received the same notification at 101 Church Street, you'd be out of their faster than a speeding tuna what with two young chil- dren in tow.
The cost of a replacement tank will escalate from the present £6509 plus vat to nearer £12,000 plus vat with required scaffolding.
I am sick and tired of trying to save money for lessees yet be constantly harassed by ignorant, very stupid, ill- informed and in my opinion and that of any solicitor or judge or even LVT assessors, amateur incompetent stupid complainants.
My previous emails refer to the penalties that can be imposed on defaulting landlords (like you). I'm sure you will appreciate Mitre House Management Limited have done everything possible to bring this problem to both your's and everybody else's attention - save of course your tenants. But that will come I can assure you if only to cover our tail.

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