Page 1 - to ALL Lessees incl. Ms.B 27-5-17_affair 2
P. 1

From: Paul B_C
Subject: Date: To:
Re: Mitre House - Appointment Of A Manager Affair_3
29 May 2017 at 04:13
Sigg - Hillgarth Michele, Aneeza Hak, Karupiah Segar , Leoni-Sceti Maria, Riad Samya, Raja Jamil,
Leigh-Pemberton Christopher, Fortunati Diego & Susanna, Brown-Constable Paul, Bruce R. Maunder Taylor, Peter Begg
Dear Michele,
In the absence of a reply to now three reasonable requests, please advise the additional fees all of us will have to pay if the court appoints Mr M. Maunder Taylor as Manager of Mitre House on 27 June. If you do not know, then simply please advise.
I’m pretty sure you would be asking the same question had it been myself making the application.
Many thanks,
On 26 May 2017, at 08:08, Michele Sigg <> wrote: Dear all
In short I am requesting the Court to appoint a managing agent who has the expertise to do so . A firm which will not take any nonsense from Paul and his team . A firm which will give us clear and transparent informations when requested . A firm which will not abuse us verbally . All the things we are Entitle too but we have been deprived of . Even when we were managed by other firms the managing agents were only acting under Paul's demands .Maunder Taylor is a firm like many others . At present we are paying market price with someone who use Mitre house ( his flat)and the common parts as his office.
With best regards
Sent from my iPhone
On 25 May 2017, at 16:41, Paul Brown-Constable <> wrote:
Dear Aneeza, Segar, Maria, Samya, Michele, Jamil, Christopher and Diego,
I am writing this as a concerned Quarterly paying lessee and NOT as Management so please do not confuse the issues. I do not want to pay higher Quarterly Demands for no reason.
As you are all well aware, Michele has instigated court proceedings against Mitre House Management Limited (“MHML”) but in reality myself (“PBC”) for every conceivable sin imaginable as hopefully you have been kept abreast of in correspondence.
The outcome of these proceedings could be the appointment of a Manager (not, Managing Agents, but something far more costly, sinister and influential).
In this instance, alongside her Solicitor, Mr Begg, Michele is recommending a highly experienced and extremely well qualified firm called Maunder Taylor (Mr Bruce MT as her representative and Mr Michael MT as Manager), both of whom are almost legendary in their expertise both at court and in management. They’re heavyweights in any disputes.
But that experience does come at an understandably heavyweight price and it might be advisable for those lessees, both those who sub-let and wish to keep costs to a minimum and those who reside at Mitre House as home on a relatively average income, request of Michele some details as to the additional costs expected if Mr M Maunder Taylor is appointed in due course?
Michele does have a somewhat cavalier attitude to both procedures and costs as the following examples evidence:
a) she recommended her then solicitors, Forsters, for £9000 plus vat and costs when we were purchasing the Head Lease in 2011 - we used mine (“PBC”) for £2650 all in -
b) she progressed an RTM in June 2013 in the full knowledge that it was doomed to failure due to the 25% ruling - a fact she advised all lessees in an email dated 7 April 2011 - but even more concerning was the fact that her own Solicitors at the time, Emms Gilmore Liberson, did not also advise her of the limitation to proceed, but proceed she did and lost.
c) she insisted in 2012 upon using her preferred contractors, Wade, for the Interior Refurbishment of

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