Page 1 - Newsletter - April_V3 (1)_Neat
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      AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE                                        We also understand there may be instances

    REGARDING CORONAVIRUS                                         where our members find themselves in need
                                                                  of financial assistance. We are here to help
                                                                  and have created several programs to support
   At EXCEL Federal Credit Union, the health and

   well-being of our members and our employees
                                                                  The Excel Cares Loan is available to
   are a top priority. We understand these uncertain
                                                                  members in need of assistance. Borrow up to
                                                                  $700 for 12 months and enjoy 12.99% APR*.
   times have brought heightened concern and
   unrest for many of us, and our thoughts go out to

   those who have been affected by the virus.
                                                                  We are also offering a Debt Consolidation

                                                                  Loan with rates as low as 8.75% APR* for up
   While we navigate the ever evolving situation
                                                                  to 60 months.
   around the Coronavirus (COVID-19),  we vow to

   remain diligent in keeping you informed of
                                                                  Additionally, our auto loan refinance program
   changes to operations or services should the
                                                                  is still available, offering $150 cash and the
   need arise.
                                                                  opportunity to lower your monthly payment

                                                                  when you refinance your auto loan with
   Please remember, you have access to your
   accounts 24/7 through EXCEL FCU's digital tools

   and resources Online and Mobile Banking -
                                                                  As always, we thank you for being a member
   available to you at no charge. With these tools
                                                                  of the EXCEL FCU family.
   you will be able to:
                                                                  *Annual percentage rate. Restrictions apply. Rates

      View transactions                                           and terms subject to change without notice. Contact
                                                                  the credit union for more details.
      Check balances
      Pay bills and send money to friends and family
      Deposit checks with DeposZip
      Apply for loans with e-Signature
      And much more!

   Moneyline telephone banking and our ATMs are
   also available for use at your convenience. For a
   list of ATM locations, click here.
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