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  In 2020 the standard deduction increased by $200.
  This may mean you could be receiving a little extra
  cash back from Uncle Sam. What will you do with your
  refund check? Here are some recommendations for
  responsible uses:
    Save! The IRS allows you to split your refund into1.
     three accounts via direct deposit. Take advantage of
     this convenience by stashing a little extra in a
                                                                                       Looking for a new ride?
     savings account. This account could be for long term
                                                                            Excel FCU and CU CarFinders make car buying simple!
                                                                        Use our car buying tool to find the best deal on your new vehicle,
     savings, retirement, college funds or emergency
                                                                       and save big when you finance wiht an anuto loan from Excel FCU!
     savings. In fact, most Americans don’t have enough
     saved to afford a medical emergency or major car or
     home repair. Take advantage of the extra income by
     boosting your rainy-day fund or saving for the future.
   2.  Pay off debt. If you have outstanding credit card
                                                                 MAKE THE SEASONS BRIGHT
     balances, consider using your refund to pay them
     off. Taking this approach will reduce your monthly                 HOLDAY SAVINGS CLUB
     payments, avoid high interest charges and allow you
                                                                 It's never too early to start saving for the
     to realize savings every month. And what should you
                                                                 holidays! Whether you’re traveling to visit family or
     do with that extra monthly savings? See number 1!
                                                                 looking to add a little extra jolly under the tree,
   3.  Prepay outstanding loans. You may be budgeting
                                                                 Excel FCU Holiday Savings Clubs can help! 
     for a monthly mortgage or car payment that could
     be reduced by making an extra payment. By
                                                                  With convenient Payroll Deduction, you can
     repaying the loan sooner, you’ll reduce the interest
                                                                  redirect funds directly from your paycheck to help
     payments thereby saving over the life of the loan.
                                                                  save for the Holidays. Earn dividends on your
                                                                  deposits and enjoy FREE withdrawals during the
                                                                  fourth quarter when it’s time to begin decking the
                                                                  halls. It’s that simple!

                                                                  Click here for our helpful
                                                                  savings calculator and apply
                                                                  online to get started!

    *Subject to credit approval and our underwriting standards. See credit union for full details.
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