Page 120 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
P. 120


                   To  the  Director  of  Municipal  Finance,  Town  Administrator,  Board  of  Selectmen,  Finance
                   Committee and Residents of the Town of Boxford:

                   The Treasurer is required to issue an annual report to the town that lists cash account balances,
                   investment types, earnings and compliance with the terms of the town’s Investment Policy.  The
                   Report on Investments provides that information for the $12,296,726 held by the town on June
                   30,  2016.    Comparative  data  is  provided  for  the  current  and  previous  fiscal  year  and  a  brief
                   explanation of significant changes.

                   General  Fund  monies  are  all  invested  as  provided  by  state  statutes  in  money  market  bank
                   accounts, the state investment pool (MMDT) or in Certificates of Deposit with maturities of one
                   year  or  less.   Trust  Funds  and  Community  Preservation  Funds  are  on  deposit  in  longer  term
                   accounts and are invested in money markets, CDs, bonds and those equities on the Massachusetts
                   Legal List for Public Investments.

                   OPEB funds are appropriated by Annual Town Meeting to reduce the town’s Unfunded Actuarial
                   Accrued  Liability  for  employees’  Other  Post  Retirement  Benefits  (OPEB).    $263,113  was
                   deposited in FY 2016. The fund balance of $1,120,707 is on deposit in the State Retiree Benefits
                   Trust Fund within the PRIT and managed by PRIM (Pension Reserves Investment Management
                   Board).  Reported earnings were $29,426 and annualized rate of return for FY 2016 was 2.3%.

                   The town’s General Fund cash balance of $7.6M on 6/30/16 is almost $1.9M greater than at the
                   end  of  the previous  fiscal  year.    Factors that  explain  the  increase are: unbudgeted revenues  of
                   $684K  from  various  sources,  $642K  in  budgeted  expenses  that  were  not  spent,  $152K
                   unexpended  funds  borrowed  for  the  rehabilitation  of  the  Aaron  Wood  School  and  receipt  of
                   $260K in state reimbursement of Chapter 90 expenditures made in the previous fiscal year.

                   Trust Fund earnings in FY 2016 were about $5K less than earned in the previous fiscal year due
                   to the absence of realized investment gains.  FY 2016 earnings on the Community Preservation
                   Fund were double the amount earned in the previous year because securities were sold to make
                   cash available to pay the construction expenses of the Boxford Common fields.  Sizeable gains
                   were realized in the sale of those investment holdings.

                   The Report of Trust, Gift and Restricted Funds provides account activity by fund for Fiscal
                   Year 2016.

                   Respectfully submitted,
                   Ellen S. Guerin, Treasurer/Collector of Taxes
                   Town of Boxford
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