Page 131 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
P. 131
The Communications Department serves the residents of Boxford as the 911 and Public Safety
Communications Center handling emergency and non-emergency phone calls and radio
communications for the Town of Boxford Public Safety Departments. The Department is staffed
24 hours a day, 365 days a year by professional Dispatchers. The Department answers all calls for
the Police Department and Animal Control Officer as well as most calls for the Fire Department
and Highway Department (unless the call is made directly to those department offices).
Equipment Replacement/Upgrades:
We have an ongoing mobile and portable radio replacement program for the Police Department,
Fire Department and Department of Public Works where a percentage of units are replaced
annually. This allows for every radio to be replaced on a rotating cycle within a period of 12 to 15
years. Additionally, Town Meeting approved the replacement of the Police and Fire primary
Transmitter/Repeater located at the Baldpate Hill tower site. We have been using the “I am
Responding” service since September of 2015 which allows for the real time display of Call
Firefighters who are responding to a particular call. This information is extremely beneficial to
both the Communications Dispatchers as well as the Fire Department in order to ensure proper
resources are available. We have also started using eDispatches which is a web based service that
forwards all fire call alerts to Firefighters cell phones which provides needed redundancy to the
alerts they already receive on voice pagers. In July we replaced the Police and Fire radio amplifier
system at the Masconomet High and Middle School which had failed. This system allows for
improved in-building communications for emergency responders. In January we replaced our
Keltron alarm receiver with a refurbished unit after repeated failures of the existing unit. Town
Meeting had also funded a replacement Telephone system for the Police/Communications
building, which was installed in March. In April we had the second part of our primary Dispatch
Console furniture replaced which was funded entirely through grant funds. The new console
allows for both height and depth adjustment and can handle up to 8 Computer Monitors. We are
continuing to work with the Police Department and the Masconomet School Administration on
implementing the “COPsync” program which allows for instant notification of a significant
school emergency direct to Dispatch and Police Cruisers.
All Dispatchers attended a minimum of 16 hours of continuing education during each fiscal year
as per State requirements which include, but are not limited to, training in Emergency Medical
Dispatch (EMD) and CPR. We are also members of the Massachusetts Communications
Supervisors Association (MCSA) and benefit greatly from Trainings and shared experiences of
Dispatchers from across the state at monthly meetings.
Emergency Notification System:
Since January 2007 we have been using an internet based Emergency Notification System for
urgent or time sensitive relaying of messages to the Citizens of Boxford. Our current vendor is
Emergency Communications Network which operates the “Code Red” alert system. This system
automatically includes all published residential and business phone numbers in the Town of
Boxford. If a resident has a non published phone number or wishes to add cell phone
numbers or email addresses they should print a copy of the “Town Telephone Notification