Page 149 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
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agenda under "Remarks from the Public" or by contacting the chairperson by telephone or email.
School Management
Principals are responsible for the daily operation of each school. The responsibilities of school-based
administrators include curriculum implementation, instruction, personnel matters, student issues and the
physical plant. School Site Councils are in place in each school. Members include the Principal, parents
(elected), teachers (elected), and a community member (appointed by the Principal). The role of the
school Site Council is to advise the Principal on areas of school improvement. All school Site Council
meetings are open to the public and are posted at Town Hall. A list of meetings is available on each
school’s website at
The Superintendent is appointed by the Tri-Town School Union Committee (Superintendency Union 58).
The School Union Committee jointly employs the Superintendent (PK-6), Assistant Superintendent of
Operations, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, Director of Curriculum, Director of
Educational Technology, Director of Facilities and ESL Coordinator as well as the secretarial and
bookkeeping staff of the Central Office and other specialist roles. The Superintendent acts as the Chief
Executive Officer of the School Committee in the operation of the schools.
In May 2016, the term of School Committee Member Christine Bolzan ended after one term of three
years. Elizabeth Palmer filled the vacancy with her election to serve a three year term. In December 2016,
School Committee member Yu Ching Buehler resigned, and was replaced with the joint appointment by
the Selectmen and School Committee of Terri Teleen for the remainder of a term ending in May 2017.
Staff Anniversaries
More than two dozen staff members celebrated work anniversaries in our schools during the 2016-2017
school year. A five-year service pin was presented to Leigh Farmer. Ten-year service pins were presented
to Bonnie Ashmore-Davis, Wendy Burns, Duane Carbone, Stephen Duffy, Debbie Bates, Mary Dodge,
Lori Martin and Alison Salerno. Fifteen-year service pins were presented to Kathleen Colangelo, Shannon
Estella, Jessica Fuller, Mojgan Olia and Steve Clifford. Twenty-year service pins were presented to
Debbie Connery, Susan Koniares, Lisa Salisbury, Lisa Simmons and Donna Morton. Twenty-five year
service pins were awarded to: Deborah Cahill, Debra Dyer and Peg Russell. Finally, congratulations to
Susan Giovannacci and Heather Walker as both celebrated their thirty-year anniversaries with the
Boxford schools!
New Staff Appointments
Harry Lee Cole School welcomed the new (and in some cases, returning in new roles) staff members
Katie Barber, School Nurse; Joanne Parcellin, Education Support Personnel; Kym Nugent, Education
Support Personnel; Hayley Hill, Education Support Personnel; Taryn Figmic, Education Support
Personnel; Lee McCann, Education Support Personnel; Debbie Moore, Library Media Specialist; Kristen
Miele, Special Education Teacher; Shawnette Lancaster, Behavior Specialist; Jen Cann, Behavior
Specialist; and Shannon Estella, Grade Two Teacher.
Spofford Pond Elementary School welcomed new staff Haley Osowski, Special Education Teacher; Lidia
Matthews, Music Teacher; Nicole George, Speech/Language Pathologist; Denise O’Connell, Education