Page 216 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
P. 216


               Our  comprehensive  Recycling  Program  in  Boxford  continues  to  flourish.  In  2016  our  town
               recycled  approximately  39%  of  our  trash.  DEP  who  used  to  calculate  each  Town’s
               recycling/diversion rate (taking into account tonnages for composting, HHW and auto waste) has
               suspended this service due to budget cuts. The charts on the following pages show what items
               can be recycled, how to prepare them, whether they are collected at the curb or at the Drop-Off
               Center and any fees.

               There is no direct cost to residents for the curbside collection of recyclables; the trash sticker fee
               covers this expense. However, there is a charge for some of the items at the Drop-Off Center, 7
               Spofford Road. Residents are encouraged to pay any fee at the Drop-Off Center by checks made
               out to the Town of Boxford. We remind residents that they may ONLY drop off recycling items
               on Saturdays from 8 AM to 3:30 PM when an attendant is present to supervise and collect fees.

               Residents can drop off their used motor oil which will be hauled away and recycled.  Motor oil
               and oil filters may only be dropped off on the first Saturday of every month between 8 AM
               and Noon.

               Our Town applied for and received a recycling grant from DEP for $5,550 which the Recycling
               Committee will be deciding what projects can be funded within the grant guidelines.

               This  year  we  continued  collecting  and  disposing  of  unwanted  prescription  medications.
               Residents can drop off capped  bottles of prescription  medications 24  hours/day,  seven days a
               week in the lobby of the Boxford Police Station. No syringes, needles or sharps can be accepted
               at this drop off, but needles can be dropped off at Board of Health office, 2  Floor of Town Hall,
               on Mondays through Thursdays from 8 AM to 2 PM.

               Cooperative,  successful,  and  continuing  events  this  past  year  included  a  May  Earth  Day
               celebration  in  conjunction  with  the  Boxford  Village  Garden  Club  and  our  thirtieth  annual
               Household  Hazardous  Waste  collection  day  with  the  towns  of  Topsfield  and  Middleton  in
               November. Our 2017 HHW collection will be held on Oct. 28th. Residents are urged to take
               advantage of this opportunity to properly dispose of any household toxic product.

               Through an agreement with the Town of Topsfield’s Road Commissioners,  Boxford residents
               continue to have access to Topsfield’s composting site. For a $5 fee per visit payable by  first
               purchasing  a  compost  ticket  in  Boxford,  residents  can  drop-off  brush  and  yard  waste  at
               Topsfield’s Highway Facility, 267 Boston St., between April 1 and Nov. 15 from 9 AM to 1 PM
               on Saturdays.

               Please note that our vendor, Recycle That, will pay our town for collecting acceptable items in
               their  bin  at  the  Drop-Off  Center.  Items  accepted  include:  hardcovers  and  paperbacks,  CDs,
               DVDs, audio books, records, textbooks. (They  no longer collect encyclopedias or home made
               recorded or taped media.) They also accept clothing, textiles, shoes and bedding which just needs
               to be clean and dry.
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