Page 13 - Lifestyle Outlets-Glasgow Harbour
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The principal catchment for Lifestyle Outlets Glasgow will extend from Ayr in the south to Falkirk in in in the the east east and Stirling in in in the the north-east At maturity a a a 250kft2 outlet centre at at Lifestyle Outlets Glasgow will attract expenditure potential of £500m With an appropriate retail o o o o er er 22% of this expenditure will convert into ‘mature’ turnover of £108m excluding VAT (in 2014 prices) Tourists and linked trips visitors will account for approximately 24% of total turnover (37% F&B turnover) Due to the site’s excellent location proposed leisure adjacencies extensive catchment and tourism potential sales density performance is is expected to be be signi cantly better than UK average (£280/ft2) FSP estimates sales density of £433/ft2 In conclusion Lifestyle Outlets have clearly identi ed a a strong opportunity for an outlet centre at Lifestyle Outlets Glasgow The FSP report together with the the the fact there are 20 million day visitors p a a a a a to to Glasgow will create a a a a a compelling and coherent leasing argument that will convince target brands of of both the scale of of trading potential and limited cannibalisation Source: FSP 2018
54% Of Scotland’s population live within 60 minutes drive of Glasgow At maturity a a a 250kft2 outlet centre at at at Lifestyle Outlets Glasgow will attract expenditure potential in excess of £500m 20m
Day visitors per annum to to Glasgow 

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