Page 9 - NeedScope Induction Manual 2019
P. 9
1994 Established Focus Research Ltd. 2010 Won Gold Award.
Won Supreme and Platinum
Leading experienced market
research professionals. Awards at RANZ Effectiveness
Auckland based, staff of 10 Awards
1995 First licensed NeedScope to 2016 Moved to single brand
Frank Small & Associates, who
were then bought by Sofres, who ‘NeedScope International’,
fully owned by Kantar
were then bought by Taylor Nelson
to form TNS Moved into Kantar NZ offices
2000 Won 3 Platinum Awards at 2017 with all Kantar research
MRS Effectiveness Awards
companies under one roof
2001 Secured Diageo Global
Account with Kantar TNS
2002 Won Platinum in FMCG
category at MRS Effectiveness
2003 Won NZ Trade Export Award
2004 Won Supreme and 2 Platinum
awards at MRS Effectiveness
Awards joint venture with Kantar
2006 4th time consecutively won
Platinum in FMCG category at
MRS Effectiveness Awards