Page 4 - Achievement Report 2012-2016 Northern Regional Office eBook
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1.  INTRODUCTION                                                        4.   OUR RESOURCES
                1.1  Preface                         4                                   4.1  Human Resource
                1.2  Acknowledgement                 5                                       4.1.1 Overview                  31 - 32
                1.3  Forward                         6                                       4.1.2 The Management                33 - 52
                                                                                             4.1.3 Our Team                  53 - 68
            2.  ABOUT US                                                                     4.1.4 Our Special Team          69 - 82
                                                                                                                             83 - 86
                                                                                             4.1.5 Our Consultants
                2.1  Vision                          9                                       4.1.6 Our Contractors           87 - 90
                2.2  Mission                         9                                   4.2  Our Fleet                      91 - 94
                2.3  Core Values                     10                                  4.3  Office Facility                95 - 98
                2.4  Our Background                  11
                2.5  Our Location                    12
                2.6  Our Role                        13                             5.   PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION HIGHLIGHTS
                2.7  Services Provided by Us         14                                  5.1  List of Project Implemented    101 - 122
                2.8  Our Regional Profile            15 - 16                             5.4  Project Photos
                2.9  Our Key Clients & Stakeholders  17                                      5.4.1 Project Challenges        125 - 132
                2.10 Our Quality Policy & Objectives  18                                     5.4.2 Ongoing Projects          133 - 216
                2.11 Our HSE Policy                  19                                      5.4.3 Completed Projects        217 - 396
                                                                                             5.4.4 Factory Acceptance Test   397 - 422
            3.  INTERNAL PROCESSES                                                           5.4.5 Special Acceptance Test   423 - 426
                                                                                                                             427 - 438
                                                                                             5.4.6 Stakeholders Site Visit
                3.1  Risk Management Process         23
                3.2  Project Management Process      24
                3.3  Action Gate Process             25                             6.   OUR PERFORMANCE AT A GLANCE
                3.4  Contract Processes (JKR203A)    26                                  6.1  Human Resource Achievement     441 - 448
                3.5  Quality Assurance & Control Process  27                             6.2  Project Physical Achievement   449 - 460
                3.6  Health, Safety & Environmental Process  28                          6.3  Project Financial Achievement  461 - 470
                                                                                         6.4  Internal Processes Achievement  471 - 474
                                                                                         6.5  Customer Satisfaction Achievement  475 - 478
                                                                                         6.6  Innovation & Creativity Achievement  479 - 482
                                                                                         6.7  2016 Balanced Scorecard Achievement 483 - 494
       iii      Achievement Report 2012 - 2016                                      7.   MAJOR EVENTS                        495 - 509
                Northern Regional Office  Jabatan Kerja Raya Sarawak
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