Page 21 - DKS 2nd real try on NMB
P. 21
163 Street NORTH MiAMi BEACH
165th Street and Biscayne Boulevard (US 1)
Station Area Today
proposed station community retail residential industrial vacant
Strengths and Opportunities
• Existing residential development is • Local neighborhood residents
compatible for commuter rail users. provide market for service retail
• Commercial properties west along NE 163rd Street.
and east of the station provide • Strong east-west and north-south
redevelopment opportunities. access.
• infill opportunities exist west and • Significant development capacity
south of the station site for small- nearby on many underdeveloped
scale redevelopment. and underutilized parcels.
• Located in the North Miami Beach
Community Redevelopment Area.
Weaknesses and Barriers
• The physical size of NE 163rd Street • Physical development constraints
and US 1 creates a physical barrier to east of the FEC railway include the
pedestrian access and connectivity. canal, US 1, and existing park land.