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                          You will enjoy your visit to our showroom and the variety of choices we offer.  When is
      comes to custom designs, personal service and knowledge of the market, our staff is second to none.
                                  From a small bathroom, foyer to an entire kitchen, Ohio Tile and Marble offers the
      finest quality of tile from many countries, including the United States. We are always striving to offer the newest design, fashion
      and technology in our industry.
                                When it comes to your special backsplash, we have it all!  From glass, metal, natural
      stone, mosaics, to one of a kind listellos/borders

                          Available in a wide range of patterns, it is also known as one of the hardest materials. Making
      this a popular choice for kitchen and bathroom countertops. Quartz is low-maintenance which makes it a fit for any area of your
      home or commercial environment
                                Ohio Tile and Marble takes pride if offering some of the finest slabs in the market.
      Our inventory of slabs are imported from Brazil, India, Spain, Italy as well as the United States.  Our quality of slabs are always of
      first grade and we offer a large selection  of exotic colors.

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