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I have always enjoyed making and creating artworks
ever since I can remember. During the elementary school,
I participated in many art clubs such as painting,
photography, and glass painting and had extra art lesson PHATHARAWARONG
every Saturday at ARDEL Gallery of Modern Art. Arts has CHIERAKUL
been my favourite subject for my entire school life. I loved
learning new skills and accomplishing tasks I had been
given by the teachers. And I found it extremely comforting
and relaxing when I can forget about all the other school
stuffs and dive right in to my world of imagination. Despite
my love for arts, I had always seen it as side activities, for my
parents were both doctors and I was pretty much
surrounded by scientific and academic lifestyles. But that
was until recently, when I discovered my passion for archi-
tecture. I love seeing different types of buildings, from
traditional to modern, and from gigantic tower to tiny little
shops. And that when it came to my realization that
maybe I can take arts more seriously and pursue a career
in this field. Since then, I was more exposed to arts than I
had ever been. Over the course of a year, I acquired many
new skills in drawing, painting, and designing, learning to
use tools such as photoshop and sketchup along the way.
Now I'm ready to take another step further. And I believe
studying in INDA will help me to gain a better understand-
ing of architecture and design, enhance my creativity and
skills, and fulfill my dream of becoming an architect.