Page 6 - prueba 1 revista
P. 6
Fashion of the world
The Cultural Fair consisted of different stands
that represented a country. We were able to
appreciate many of their traditional clothing as we
could see people representing different countries.
We are going to review the clothing from 3 of the
countries that we were able to see. Those 3 countries
are: Japan, Russia and Egypt.
➢ The Japanese clothing was very close and accurate
because what they were wearing resembled the
kimonos which are a traditional piece of clothing in
➢ The Russian clothing was very similar to what they
wear in Russia. They must have used a lot of colors,
for the handmade dresses of the women, and the
pants & shirts for men.
➢ The arabic/egyptian clothing must have been
the most similar one to the type of clothes they
wear in that country. The woman use hijabs to
cover the head and they wear long dresses.