Page 14 - One Stop Solution for Clean Room Equipments
P. 14
Liquid Sodium Silicates
Silicates unique gelling / precipitation properties can be optimized to achieve
a fast reaction, unlike cement which can be washed away before setting
Compatible with temperatures from low to 300°C and above
Various activators can be utilized to adjust time of set, durability, hardness etc.
Sand Consolidation
Sand influx into the wellbore is a common problem in oil and gas production
causing plugging, erosion of valves and pipelines and sand accumulation in
separators. Movement of fine sand back into the wellbore can occur when
binding between sand grains is disrupted.
Consolidation with sodium silicate and an activator can bind fine sand particles
together. Most silicate formulations are considered permanent materials.
Geotechnical grouting projects have been examined after 10 years and the
grouted soils were still intact.
Sallan Industrial Investment LLC