Page 14 - First Churches 2019-20Annual Report.docx
P. 14
We have a deficit which needs to be addressed. There is a sense of urgency in developing a long term plan. Vote on the 12 month budget adopted last June: motion moved and seconded. Focus is on furnace fund and strategic plan. We’ve looked at each line in the budget and made cuts that we were able to do. Staffing changes were contemplated, but we decided to hold steady instead. If we want to keep two pastors on staff, we need to raise around 50,000 dollars. Endowment generates 80,000, and 160,000 was taken out this
year. We can have a more full discussion at our retreat.
Motion to implement the budget for the full 12 months passed unanimously.
7. Motion to accept the annual report: passed unanimously. 8. Meeting adjourned at 12:07 pm.
Minutes of First Churches Congregational Annual Meeting
Sunday, June 14, 2020 10:45 am (after worship)
Welcome (MJ Adams)
Brief Update on Summer Worship Plans (Todd & Sarah)
For the summer, one pastor at a time will be on vacation, so we need to a. have some services where we participate in the services of certain other churches, with our coffee hour afterward, and b. make services which we record shorter, with coffee hour. We will continue vespers etc. We will be listening to diverse voices from around the country during the visiting services. Summer office hours: regular hours.
Strategic Futures Team Presentation - Report (Matthew Dalton)
A year ago, we were struggling to have adequate funding for running the church, keeping up the physical plant etc. We have exceeded our goal at this point
We put together a plan to grow as a church. We will infuse our systems with these strategies. Because of the current social, political, and medical upheaval, it is impossible to follow a rigid plan for growth. We must be nimble and respond to the changing landscape as it moves around us.
We have received grants, rebates, and forgivable loans which have helped us to maintain and grow.