Page 4 - ETP-April-May2020
P. 4

Volume 21 Issue 1 April - May 2020

                Deepak Lamba
               Subramaniam S

              Meghna Puthawala
                Joji Varghese
               BRAND PUBLISHER
                Rishi Sutrave
  +91 9820580009          Perfect Storm or

      EDITOR & CHIEF COMMUNITY OFFICER | Niranjan Mudholkar  +91 9819531819       Perfect Opportunity
          ASSOCIATE ART DIRECTOR | Sanjay Dalvi
    “I  phrase to describe a quick and decisive victory in the ‘Battle of
         EXPERIENTIAL MARKETING | Aakash Mishra  came; I saw; I conquered.” Julius Caesar had originally used this
          PROJECT COORDINATOR | Fiona Fernandes  Zela’ in 47 BCE. Cut to 2020 CE. The name of Caesar seems to
                                          have been replaced by the name of another conqueror – Corona
                                          virus! And just like Caesar did, it came, it saw and it conquered.
                                    Well, the victory of Corona virus has been equally quick. But is it equal-
                ADVERTISING         ly decisive? Time will tell. In the meanwhile, the virus has managed to
                WEST & NORTH
                Ranjan Haldar       unleash the ‘Perfect Storm’ on planet earth. The kind of disruption it has
  +91 9167267474  caused is both unprecedented as well as unimaginable!
                                    But there have also been a few rays of hope. The wave   “From face masks
                Mahadev B           of humanity has, so far, proved to be much stronger   to face shields, from
  +91 9448483475  than the disaster that the virus has caused. And one   ventilators to make
               Prabhugoud Patil +91 9980432663  silent champion that has served the cause of humanity   shift beds, and from
                                    in this battle is plastic! From face masks to face shields,   gloves to testing
           OVERSEAS PARTNER | Mike Hay  from ventilators to make shift beds, and from gloves to   kiosks, plastic has
               Ringier Trade Media   testing kiosks, plastic has once again proved its worth
          China Taiwan Hongkong & South East Asia   remarkably well.  And herein lies the perfect opportu-  once again proved
  +852 2369 – 8788                                  its worth remarkably
                                    nity for the industry because its survival hinges on it. It
                                    is the perfect time to clean up the bad name that plastic   well.”
                 CAREERS            has acquired particularly in the last decade or so. It is
                                    extremely important to highlight to the world that plastic has come to the
               SUBSCRIPTIONS        rescue of the human race in these tough times. If it was not for plastic,
             022 67427209 / 67427206  the war against corona would have been far more difficult. Tell them that
                                    what is stopping the Corona virus from achieving its decisive victory is
                                    not just the human spirit, it is also this wonder material called plastic!

       Printed and published by Joji  Varghese for and
       on behalf of owners  Worldwide Media Pvt Ltd
       (CIN:U22120MH2003PTC142239), The Times  of  India
       Building,  Dr  DN  Road,  Mumbai  400001.  Printed  at
       JRD Printpack Private Limited, 78, Resham Bhavan,
       7th Floor, Veer Nariman Road, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400
       020. Editor: Niranjan Mudholkar. Published for April-May
       Disclaimer: All rights reserved worldwide. Reproducing
       or transmitting in any manner without prior written
       permission prohibited. All photographs, unless
       otherwise  specified, are used  for illustrative purposes
       only.  The publisher makes every effort to ensure that the
       magazine’s contents are correct. However, we accept no
       responsibility for any errors or omissions and accept no
       responsibility for any loss or damage caused as an effect
       thereof.  The information provided in this publication
       is for general use and may not be appropriate for the           Editor & Chief Community Officer
       specific requirements and / or conditions of the reader/s.
       The opinions expressed by experts are their own and in
       no way reflect those of the publisher.
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