Page 5 - Sonoma County Gazette July 2018
P. 5

LETTERS cont’d from page 4
Mark Essick, Sonoma
our community faces now and in
the future. I believe we agreed on much more than we disagreed and I look forward to working with their supporters if we truly want to keep Sonoma County a special place to live and work.
of those folks missed the most. One shell shocked woman sat at the edge of her cot holding her daughter very closely and very tightly. This woman had what appeared to be half her normal make up on, her nails were impeccably done, her luggage beside her matched, but so did the family that only had a few garbage bags filled with what they could grab before being evacuated.
  County Sheriff-Elect
I am honored the voters of Sonoma County have elected me to be your
next Sonoma County Sheriff- Coroner.
The support of my family, friends, and co-workers has been incredible; their support and encouragement from the very beginning is the reason I ran for office. I’ve been genuinely impressed by the hundreds of
 I am truly humbled to be entrusted with leading the 650
people I’ve met over the last year for their willingness to get involved in
the democratic process, ask tough questions, and work to make their community a better place. I am excited to get to work for the people of Sonoma County.
Red Cross Volunteers all seemed to know each other, even though their homes were states away from each other, even though this was their second or third shifts with little to no sleep, and even then they were sleeping on the same cots as we were but they were holed up in some church somewhere.
men and women of the Sheriff’s Office
 into what I consider to be a bright future for Sonoma County and her 500,000 residents. I am committed
to implementing robust community policing, diversity in our hiring and accountability to those we serve. I look forward to working with Sheriff Rob Giordano over the next 6 months to create a seamless leadership transition as I prepare to take office on January 7, 2019.
Mark Essick, Cloverdale
By the end of my stay most people (of the 45 left) knew most of the
staff’s first names, they ours, had exchanged email addresses and some are engaged in further developing friendships via email. It was basically the run of the mill fabulously caring exercise and what lines were drawn disappeared rapidly. Their smiling faces rest comfortably within my memories.
 I commend my opponents Ernesto Olivares and John Mutz for raising important issues about the challenges
I took a couple of photos of the mass of cots and a few shots of people’s dogs but I respected their privacy even when privacy was what a lot
Good Folks, Marcos
Boots on the ground...
I was blessed to meet so many people during the fire, heart-based hard working people from Catholic Charities that endured the best and worst of people during ongoing trauma...and they are missed.
LETTERS cont’d on page 6
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