Page 6 - Sonoma County Gazette July 2018
P. 6

 LETTERS cont’d from page 6
False Information on
Cellphone Towers
Kee Nethery’s column in last month’s edition deserves a reply. I appreciate his interest in the rollout of 4G/5G cellphone technology, since this new technology needs more public discussion. He is right in stating that the further away from the nearest cellphone tower the stronger the microwave signal required to use a cellphone.
His error is stating that “more towers means we are exposed to less EMF”. The new 4G (4th Generation) cell towers are proposed to be located closer to each other, at approximately 250 feet apart. The small cell tower
in front of your home would be the biggest source of radio frequency
(RF) microwave radiation exposure because you can never turn it off.
It’s effects are cumulative over time. You can, however, choose to turn off your cellphone to mitigate microwave radiation exposure. Mr. Nethery’s statement that our cellphone power output is the same as the cell tower with which it is communicating is also correct. Because you are right next to your cellphone absorbing its energy – you are absorbing thousands of times greater than the energy than you’re getting from the cell tower.
currently used by cell phones can cause cancer.
being discussed in the news media and other public forums.
 in Sebastopol (and elsewhere too)
• Many studies have associated low- level RFR exposure with a litany of health effects, including: DNA single and double-strand breaks (which leads to cancer); oxidative damage (which leads to tissue deterioration and premature ageing); disruption
In the interim, please consider using an air-tube vs. a wired headphone
to your cellphone; when in use keep your cellphone away from your body; text more, talk less; call only when the signal is strong; do not store phone
Another misstatement is ‘A little EMF sprinkled on you constantly from a cell tower is comparable
to a little water sprinkled on you constantly, your body handles it just fine”. Consider the following:
• The new 5G technology utilizes higher-frequency millimeter wave (MMW) bands, which give off the same dose of radiation as airport scanners. Adoption of 5G will
mean more signals carrying more energy through the high-frequency spectrum, with more transmitters located closer to people’s homes and workplaces–basically a lot more (and more potent) RFR flying around us. The effects of 5G microwave radiation exposure on public health has not been examined. It is necessary to take the precautionary approach and determine it’s potential impacts on human health and the environment before permitting such a massive rollout of this technology.
We need Volunteers Thursdays 11am to 2 pm (often later) Meet in the Woods Resort Parking lot 4th Street Guerneville . Wear sturdy gardening gear. We provide Gloves, tools, water and snacks/lunch . Any Questions call 707-484-8767 speak to Vira
Fauss aka; Project Manager aka; The California Mermaid ®
of cell metabolism; increased blood- brain barrier permeability; melatonin reduction (leading to insomnia and increasing cancer risks); disruption of brain glucose metabolism; and generation of stress proteins (leading to myriad diseases). There is no safe exposure level for to RF microwave radiation.
in your pocket or under you pillow because when a phone is on and not in use, it still sends out an intermittent signal to connect with nearby cell phone towers, which means radiation exposure continues to occur.
• The 4G cellphones required increased bandwidth receiving, so they developed “smart antennas” - a series of 4 antennas in a single phone handset to facilitate receiving and sending a pulsed, data-modulated RF microwave radiation. This is like the equivalent of having four cell phones in one device rather than one.
We appreciate our awesome community for supporting our Give Back Tuesday at The Rainbow Bar and Finraiser at West Sonoma Inn and Spa. Look for more details on both events outcome and funds raised in August issue of Sonoma County Gazette.
Paul-André Schabracq is an environmental planner who uses his cellphone only when it is really necessary.
Friends of Fife Creek
  • The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research
on Cancer classified low-level Radio Frequency Radiation (RF) as a potential 2B carcinogen and specified that the use of mobile phones could lead to specific forms of brain tumors. More recently the $25 million National Toxicology Program concluded that radio frequency radiation of the type
Blessings, Vira Fauss
 The planned proliferation of 4G/5G cellphone technology by the telecommunication industry is a complicated issue which cannot be fully explained in a brief newspaper article. We should encourage more ongoing and reliable information about the effects of this technology
We are non-profit sponsored by Community Clean Water Institute and always in need of monetary donations.
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