Page 2 - Sonoma County gazette September 2018
P. 2

Dear Readers,
  Have you noticed that there’s a LOT of building going on? Finding a contractor and/or carpenter who is not booked into the future is a challenge. That’s good. So many of those 5,000 + homes that were lost in the fire need
to be replaced and it takes TIME to build a house. And we need housing - affordable housing...and that usually involves buying an older home that needs some repair...or you WAIT for those “affordable units” to be built.
Choose carefully because you can get into Contractor Hell if you don’t like the person you are working in and day out.
I remember purchasing my home three decades ago and took advice on how to find a realtor with whom to work. Choose three, spend some time with each, then go with the one with whom you feel most comfortable. Relax into it. This is a long-term relationship. In the case of purchasing a home - it could be months of interaction - but in terms of a contractor - you LIVE with this person EVERY DAY - for a VERY LONG TIME! Make sure s/he LISTENS to you
and RESPECTS your wishes. That’s key. If you get the brush-off that you are ignorant of the process - walk away! This is an emotional as well as intellectual decision so keep it balanced!
OK - enough of the housing issue - how about our WATERSHED? We (HOPE) we are heading into a wet winter so it’s time to GET READY! Oh boy
- Rake Leaves - yes, keep your home FIRE SAFE because RIGHT NOW is FIRE SEASON. But soon...Rainy Season! Keep us safe until it gets wet out...please!
In the mean time, Elisabeth DeGoff has done a stunning layout of our Annual Watershed Cleanup Calendar. I am so impressed! It’s pretty to look at while you decide which among the MANY cleanups is the one you jump into your car/truck and join. If you have a pickup - it could come in handy!
I like to say “Get a social life...volunteer!” This is a great opportunity to meet wonderful people - and some of these cleanups are kid-friendly, so yes, get the kids involved so they understand the connection between that piece of trash in their hand, that plastic toy they want to buy, and what happens to it when it’s no longer useful.
My daughter and granddaughters have grown up with me identifying that coveted toy on the shelf as LANDFILL, and BEACH TRASH. “I want it!” “You can’t have it. It does not decompose!” “What?” Sigh, here we go again. The crying child, the explanation that means nothing.
Take the kids on a cleanup to make the connection. You never can be a treasure hunt! You find the most interesting things among the detritus! SEE Weirdest Finds on the lower right of the Watershed Cleanup Calendar...HAVE FUN! You WILL!
       2 - - 9/18

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