Page 3 - Sonoma County gazette September 2018
P. 3

    Car Shows of Summer
Bike safety in Sonoma
Thank you for posting our Vicci Moto Car Show in your newspaper. Our show was a huge success. Over 70 beautiful cars, jeeps, and trucks on display. Several people from the public told me, they found out about our show thru your newspaper. We plan to do this show again next year.
Locally-Made Cheese &
Nice job on the cheese article (August Gazette and www. county-news/local-farm-stands-and- cheesemakers-of-sonoma-county). I’m sure whoever you include, and not include, - you will get a lot of feedback..!
When I read folks boasting about bike safety here I feel we need to take a few steps further in hopes we will get more folks on bikes.
 Thanks Roberto
President Wine Country Mopar
After two very close encounters of being hit by two young cyclists, why not mandate for all of us, that each cyclist have:
Farm Stand Guide
• After a certain hour of the day, every cyclist be mandated to wear some sort of illumination strip.
• A helmet, regardless of age
• Each bike have some bell on it to let walkers know they may be behind them ( I think a horn may be too loud)
 • As Sonoma grows we should consider more bike lanes for safety and to encourage biking.
I feel this is bike safety at its best! Joy Bennett
 That said -- I did notice you had
a couple of Marin Cheesemakers included yet missed one of the great Sonoma Cheesemakers... Valley Ford Cheese (
Bodega Bay Beat August
  This small family makes cheese from milk produced from their own herd right here in Sonoma County. And, frankly... about as good as it gets for raw cowsmilk aged cheeses. On top of that - the family farm was used by Hitchcock and filmed in many scenes of “the Birds.” Thought you should know about this one!
Joan, I attended the Town Hall with Supervisor Hopkins and disagree with the overall mood. This is the second article you have written on the Coastal MAC proposal. It seems you are not in favor of this move as it shows in your writing.
David, Monte Rio
All I ask is you give an UNBIASED account of what goes on at these meetings instead of putting your discouraging spin on this. Yes, there were questions, however the overall mood was more positive than you allude.
 Your Jenner Jottings
What you fail to understand is as an unincorporated town, the MAC is a good way to begin governance and have a vehicle for the county
to provide monies for things like tourism impacts, infrastructure, and other projects determined to be important to the communities.
 Yes, a very sobering, well-written article in the Gazette this month. I care about everything that you’ve talked about. There’s a lot of algae in my section of the river across from True Value in Guerneville. Also invasive Ludwigia.
It’s strength in numbers. That’s why our communities need to join together-for the greater good.
With California burning, the tree issue and the PG&E overhead lines that you discuss must be addressed immediately. So, any suggestions
of actions? I want to be more than sobered. I want our incredible, volunteer active communities, who love our wonderful towns, to protect them.
The Fire agencies have been dancing for over 4 years to this same tune
with no progress. I urge us to come together sooner rather than later so we can begin to make community improvement.
Liz Martin
 Laurie Lippin
LETTERS cont’d on page 4
9/18 - - 3

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